If you’re preparing to start university, you may be looking at your options. For many students, money is an issue that has to be taken into consideration when choosing a university. Rising fees in the UK may make alternative options more appealing, especially if you have an interest in travel. If you’re mulling over the opportunity to study abroad, this infographic should come in handy.

The cost of studying in the UK and Ireland has increased to up to €11,500 per year, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you’ve paid your tuition fees, there are numerous other costs to bear in mind, including accommodation, books and bills.

Study Abroad. Save Money.

If the fees scare you, it may make financial sense to study abroad. In Austria and Germany, universities don’t charge tuition fees, and in Italy, Spain, Belgium and France, students pay less than €1,500 per year. On top of this, rental charges are lower in many European capitals than fees in London, with the cost of a room in a shared flat in Rome estimated at €430 compared to £650 in London.

Another interesting point to bear in mind when considering whether or not to study abroad is access to funding. In the UK, foreign students from the EU are not eligible for financial assistance, but British students studying in France, Germany, Spain and Italy can apply for support.

The cost of transport is also higher in the UK and Ireland than in Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain. The average student in Brussels will spend €7.50 per month compared to €115 in Dublin.

READ:  How to Make Smart Decisions About College Funding


Infographic created by SpotAHome