To be forgotten by people can cost you your confidence. Do people find it difficult to remember and recognize you?

Let’s face it, some people are just easier to remember.

So, what’s the secret to being memorable?

The recipe for becoming memorable is relatively straightforward. Many of us can increase our rate of by training our likability. When you meet someone for the first time, it is essential that you spend the first couple of minutes wisely.

Below are a few tips;

  1. When you meet someone for the first time, focus on earning their trust by starting a genuine conversation with them. Remember to be honest and sincere in your beliefs. No one remembers those who play it safe.
  2. Body language is critical! If you hide your face/look down/away, and mumble – the introduction is a waste of time. It is OK to be shy and introvert – but be proud of who you are and OWN it with pride, confidence, and dignity.
  3. Always strive to create a pleasant dialogue, while remaining true to yourself. That alone will make people remember you.
  4. Be sincerely interested and curious. Ask and listen. Be interested not only interesting
  5. Find out how you can help each other—be sure to mention your qualities easily and elegantly so that the person you are talking to can quickly get an idea of who you are, what you can do, and your professional goals.
  6. People remember you better if you replace “My title is …” with something like “I help people with …” and always make sure to ask, ” How can I assist you in the future?” This way, you become a value to them, therefore making it easier for people to understand what you do, take a liking to you, remember you, and in the end, help you.
  7. If you are a very young person without much experience, then try to find out what it is that makes you unique. Everybody has an exclusive competence from which other people can benefit—you just need to identify it and communicate it so that people can remember you.
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Being memorable is essential for every ambitious person, after all, people won’t know you exist if they don’t even remember you.