Have you ever noticed the strong relation between music and your mood? For example, when you prepare for an exam, you would most likely listen to Mozart or Beethoven. It is considered that classical music increases the ability to focus and gives you a sense of relaxation and those are the most important factors for studying.

On the other hand, if you are going through a breakup or some other emotional loss, you would reach out for sad songs with the lyrics that match your mood. In the end, it turns out that music is a medicine for your mood, primarily, because it helps you deal with emotions in a healthy way.

If you are wondering how exactly music can help us, read the next lines to find out! We bet you will be surprised to learn how music is correlated with autism!

Music for your mood: Does it really help?

Everything is easier with music. Even in movies, music can contribute to the atmosphere. We fall in love with a song or remember our loved ones when a certain song plays. Music is such an important factor in our lives!

The truth is that that music helps us. We feel these benefits through emotions, so it is no wonder that when you are angry, you play some punk to release the tension! Or you listen to fast songs when you work out. Although, we should point out that, honestly, we love sad songs the most.

But, why is that? Here are several reasons that make sad songs so preferable:

  • We regulate our emotions by experiencing sadness of the music we hear, which in turn then gives us an emotional boost.
  • We feel compassion for the singer or composer of a sad song, due to feeling that we are sharing and understanding the artist’s sadness.
  • Sad music can help us alleviate our own pain, and enjoy and emphasize with the artists emotions that are expressed in our favorite songs.
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Scientists at the University of Missouri have found that listening to the music can cheer you up! Their research is based on what many people have already experienced. Scientists claim that listening to the upbeat music can brighten your day, and boost your mood.

Not only music affects our mood and helps us heal, but it is also an excellent studying tool. Music can help you recall something important, and it helps us memorize more quickly. Some things that we find boring could become super fun if we combine them with the cool rhythm. How did you learn the alphabet? Should we sing along to help you recall it?

Music and autism

Did you know that music can be used to treat autism? A 2004 study from the Journal of Music Therapy found that music could be used as a therapy for children and teens with ASD as they can improve their social behaviors. Also, music increases focus and attention, communication attempts, reduce anxiety, and improves body awareness and coordination.

Music therapy is engaging and enjoyable for children with autism. It can change patterns of social behavior and overall cognitive ability through repeated and prolonged sessions—and the most efficient way is to keep children focused is to ensure that they enjoy it. Almost like another form of play, music therapy is something ASD children can enroll in without having it feel like they have to work hard.

Surprisingly, individuals of all ages and all abilities can benefit from music therapy. In fact, music therapy has been used to support emotional, cognitive and social development in many populations. Music therapy can increase overall wellness by managing stress, enhancing memory, and improving communication.

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Does music improve our personal skills?

People who enjoy similar music genres connect easier with each other. Similar taste in music could be an indicator that the person has similar points of view on specific subjects. In that way, music could be our best friend and worst enemy. Sometimes we tend to judge people for their music taste. Thankfully, in most cases, we dig deeper to find out whether we like someone or not

Now, let’s get back to the subject. How music or musical training does improve our personal skills?

Musical training has shown to lead to improvements in a wide variety of different skills. For example, music improves memory and spatial learning. Furthermore, language skills such as verbal memory, literacy, and verbal intelligence have been shown to strongly benefit from musical training.

Can you imagine life without music? How would it look like? If you feel lonely, sad, happy or angry, you can always get a relief. Nowadays we are so lucky that the relief is only a click away. And don’t forget that, sometimes, when “words fail, music speaks!”