Breakups are never easy, but they’re even more difficult when you’re not ready for things to end. Sadly, many women find themselves facing this very thing when the man that they thought would be with them forever calls things off and decides to go a different direction, leaving the heartbroken woman wondering what she did wrong and how she can get him back.

While many breakups are permanent, yours doesn’t have to be! We’ve put together a list of relationship tips to help you get back the man that you want in your life. So, before you give up all hope, take the time to read and implement these suggestions!

Recognize Your Relationship Had Problems

First, realize that there is a reason that the breakup occurred. No couple that is blissfully happy simply breaks up for no reason. Whether you have differing belief systems or if he is simply insecure about emotional intimacy, there is some root reason that you didn’t stay together. And breaking up does not solve the problem – it simply changes things so that you are no longer facing them side-by-side.

Work on Rebuilding the Relationship First

While attacking your ex with suggestions about the problems you had or a heavy dose of blame, it’s important to take note that facing the issues isn’t the best thing to try to do while you’re trying to get back together. But, on the other hand, trying to sweep them under the rug and forget about them completely isn’t the best idea either. It’s important to work to get your ex back using warmth and emotion, then have a solid game plan in place to work through your issues once your relationship is back on solid ground.

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Face the Issues Slowly

Once you and your ex are starting to work on your relationship, you can begin to address the issues that have been working to tear you two apart. If you don’t address them at some point, you can rest assured that once the glow of new romance begins to wear off, they will rear their ugly heads once again, and might destroy your relationship for good!

Recognize that You May Need to Ask Forgiveness

If you see that some of the issues in your relationship involved you, then it may necessary to ask forgiveness for your part in the breakup. While a simple apology doesn’t solve everything, it does help to mend hurt feelings. Just make sure that your apology is sincere!

Some Relationships are Meant to End

As sad as it is to say, some relationships are better off ending! Take some time to back away from your hurt feelings and look at things from a more objective perspective. If the relationship is worth salvaging, then you should work on it; however, if the issues are too big, then it maybe time to simply walk away. Once you’ve considered the situation clearly, you may discover that the breakup was the best thing that could have happened!

Don’t Flood Him with Communication

Immediately following a breakup, it’s important to not overwhelm your ex with communication since this makes you seem needy and pathetic. Instead, step back and wait for him to come to you. Seeing that you can live without him makes you seem much more attractive!

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Take Care of Your Appearance

Too many women let themselves go after a breakup. Instead of doing this, step up your game and take better care of your appearance. Go to the salon, get your nails done, and buy some new clothes. Not only will this lift your spirits, but it will show your ex what he is missing.

Live Your Own Life

Don’t let your life be dominated by the breakup – work on building a new existence for yourself! Learn a new language, go on a trip, meet new friends, and focus on your career. You’re not ruined simply because you don’t have him.

Make Contact Eventually

After around a month, you can reach out to make some contact if he hasn’t already reached out to you. With your new life, fresh appearance, and preparedness to take on issues, it will be hard for him to resist you! And, if he shows no interest? Well, you obviously haven’t lost much!