Many places around our home can be dressed, decorated, or designed to our exact specifications. Shelves adorn our walls and are filled with books, trinkets, and useful items. Glass cabinets can house our service sets, ornaments, and beloved photos. 

Somewhere else that we often decorate are our window ledges and window space. 

They are versatile spaces that can be perfect for flowers, candles, and more. 

Windows are already great, even though they are underappreciated. Watching the sunlight stream through them in the summer, the sunsets in the evenings, and snow or rainfall too. They are a focal point that you can dress up for different seasons and reasons. 

Clean and Tidy

The first step to creating a space that is bright and beautiful is giving it a good clean. Dust down the frames and the ledge, then get to work with your chose window cleaner. A home-made window cleaner is easy to make, smells great, and leaves you with a sparkling window. 

A fresh lick of paint and resealing around the windows will do them the worlds of good. 


Seasonal window dressing can be a lot of fun. In spring, you can have a milk jug filled with spring flowers. You may opt to have fresh flowers or purchase some faux flowers so that you can decorate with ease every spring. 

Great spring flowers:

  • Primroses
  • Tulips
  • Hyacinth
  • Crocus
  • Daffodil

In summer, you should try to aim to let in as much natural light as possible. Using a lighter dressing like voile will give you some privacy and let ample light in too. 

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Voile is a lightweight material that is reasonably priced and easy to hand. It also comes in a range of different colors and patterns. 

If you don’t like the idea of voile, then window film can be great. Choosing a window film can remove much of the glare that comes with the summer sunshine and can prevent the inside from becoming too warm. 

You can also choose to have colored and patterned window film too. When the sunshine hits the film, the pattern or color will reflect into your home. 

Great summer flowers:

  • Oriental Lilies
  • Gladiolus
  • Begonias
  • Amaranthus
  • Lily of the Nile

These are bright and textured flowers that can add a big pop of color and interest to your summer dressed window. 

Autumn is a lot of fun, with oranges, leaves, and rich colors. Including Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the switch to warm cozy scents and blankets. 

An autumnal window dressing could have strings of dried leaves in browns and golden-toned oranges, decadent scented candles in plums, spiced apples, and pumpkins. 

Leave space for window stickers and other fun Halloween treats, though! 

Great autumn flowers:

  • Hibiscus
  • Camellia
  • Dahlias
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Sweet Alyssums

And for some, it is now the most wonderful time of the year. Winter gives us the chance to dress our windows like complete winter dream-scenes if we choose to. Faux snow, small ornaments, twinkling lights, and so much more. 

Even some silver glitter sprinkled in for fun. 

Great winter flowers:

  • Christmas roses
  • White lilies
  • Gardenia
  • Orchids
  • Peace Lily


Wooden shutters just add a touch of countryside chich quickly. They have to be affixed to the inside or outside of your home, depending on your preference. You can double up your shutters with some for aesthetic purposes and others for usage. Shuttercraft has an excellent inspiration section that can give you some ideas of the possibilities with your shutters. 

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Full shutters will completely block out all of the sunlight, which is ideal for the bathroom and the bedroom. 

Half shutters are perfect for those places that you want a little more light in. 

Just remember that when you opt for shutters in your bathroom or kitchen, you choose some that are designed to be in there. They will be waterproof and stand up to the steam and water in those rooms. 

There are several benefits to choosing shutters for your home:

  • Style – shutters can be tailored to perfection for your home and tastes. 
  • Cost – shutters are great for insulating your home to outside sounds and reducing any drafts during the winter.
  • Endurance – using shutters on your windows will also last for years, and they are built to last and very sturdy. 
  • Privacy – your privacy is easy with shutters, as, with a simple move, you can allow in some light but reduce the amount people can see in. 


The final piece of the puzzle is the outside of your window. You can add details to the outside of your windows and to anything that you can see. 

For example, if you are dressing the living room window, and it looks out into the garden, you can add some brightly colored plants and flowers to that area. 

For windows higher up in the home, adding window boxes with flowers and herbs can brighten up the view. Window boxes can also bring butterflies, bees, and birds to the window often too. Making them a great addition to your window dressing efforts. 

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Adding herbs to the boxes give them even more usage, and the herbs will release their rich scented oils in the heat of the day. 

Your window doesn’t need to be boring; it can be dressed up in a myriad of beautiful ways to increase natural light to diffuse light through your home. 

Window dressing can give you some extra space to display your personality and style too. It doesn’t take long to change the window dressings to match the seasons, and if you ever run out of inspiration, Pinterest has a huge range of window dressing tips and ideas for your home

Decorating is like music. Harmony is what we constantly strive for. At home, we want a peaceful atmosphere where the objects are the notes and nothing is off-key.” Charlotte Moss, A Passion for Details


Here are some of the other interchangeable areas of your home that you can change with your window dressing:

  • Above kitchen cabinets
  • Cushions, blankets, sheets
  • Front door and/or porch
  • Fireplace mantels