Just as sunglasses can protect your eyes from the elements and keep your eyes comfortable and healthy during outdoor activities, they can also be used as a fashion accessory. They are not just for protecting your eyes anymore. People wear sunglasses because they are cool.

Whether you’re at the beach or lounging in your backyard with friends, sunglasses are perfect to protect your eyes from harmful rays while having fun. However, if how cool your sunglasses look matters most, then you also need to consider how the glasses look on you and what color lenses to get.

The Right Glasses For Your Face Shape

Generally, there are six different face shapes of men: oval, square, round, diamond, triangle, and oblong. Once you know your shape, picking out new glasses becomes easier because you are more likely to choose a pair that fits.

The first step to purchasing the right glasses is identifying your face shape. Keep in mind that being able to recognize it does not necessarily mean having one of these shapes, as many people’s faces are shaped by elements from multiple categories. Once you know where you fall, it is much easier to find styles for different face shapes. For example, glasses for round face shapes typically need to be wider than the broad chin and cheekbones of men with long faces.

This guide will give you the general outlines of how to match glasses with your face shape.

Reading Your Face Shape From Left To Right: Oval Face – shaped like an egg, widest at the cheeks and narrows toward the chin. The length of your face is equal to 1½ times the width.

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Square Shape – also called rectangularly, the widest part is the cheekbones. The length of your face is equal to 1½ times the width.

Round Shape – almost as wide as it is long, with a rounded jawline and full cheeks. The width of your face is equal to its length.

Oblong/Rectangular Face – like oblong or rectangle, with a strong jaw and forehead. The length of your face is more than 1½ times the width.

Triangular/Diamond Shape – widest at the cheekbones and narrows to the chin, with a prominent brow ridge and hairline. The width of your face is 1¼ times its length.

Diamond Face Shape – like a diamond, with a broad forehead and narrow chin. The width of your face is 1¼ times its length.

Get an expert opinion

When choosing glasses for yourself or another person is a great way to ensure you get the perfect pair of specs. When it comes to looking for wholesale glasses, if you want a supplier, make sure they offer wholesale glasses. Whatever the occasion, whether it be sunglasses or prescription glasses, an expert opinion is always your best bet to ensure you get the perfect pair of specs for yourself or another person.

An easy way to ensure you get the perfect pair of glasses is by simply asking someone who works in the optical industry or if it’s your friend, family member, or partner then just ask them. You can even go into an optical shop yourself and ask for an expert opinion.

Skin tones, eye color, and hair color

It’s one of the most overlooked parts of selecting a new pair of spectacles or sunglasses, yet it can have an impact on how you look in your frames.

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Choosing the right glasses for your face shape is very important, whatever kind they are – rimless, plastic, metal, etc. But you need to consider your skin tone too.

The skin tone of your face is actually very important when it comes to choosing sunglasses because their darker colors pick up any slight contrast in your natural skin tone, which can either make them look more flattering or even worse, draw attention to this contrast. It sounds like an obvious point – but keep your skin tone in mind.

Eyeglass frame colors

For example, if you have a round face and choose eyeglass frames that are dark and thick, it will make your face appear wider making yourself wearing them look like they do not fit your face.

On the contrary, someone who has an oval-shaped face and chooses eyeglass frames that are thick and dark will make your face look slim and fit.

Eyeglass frame colors matter too when choosing glasses. It’s not just about the shape of your face that counts, but also the color or tones you wear on them as well. For example: if you have a round face and choose eyeglass frames that are dark and thick, it will make your face appear wider making yourself wearing them look like they do not fit your face.

However, if this isn’t possible you can make sure you are aware of your face shape as this will help determine what type of glasses would look best on yourself or another person.

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