These days, we’d all like an opportunity to make some extra cash from time to time. In an environment where the price of living seems to be constantly going up, while the actual wages you can access consistently decrease, it’s difficult to manage expenses with just one job.

Many millennials find themselves working in multiple environments at the same time to pad their bank accounts. If you’re thinking now might be the time to make some extra income to help you take the next step in your life, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re going to look at three interesting and surprisingly easy ways to upgrade your income.

Teach Something

Millennials are no longer the youngest generation, which means there are those out there who might need to learn from the skills you’ve developed over the years. The great thing about teaching in today’s modern world, is it’s much easier to get started than it once was. You don’t necessarily need to earn a degree to start teaching online. You’ll just need to learn how to attract customers to your online tutorials and hold their interest.

You can create your own courses, webinars, and even membership sites for would-be students, about anything. While you obviously won’t be able to become an accredited teacher at a local school without the right degrees, you can still make a serious amount of cash teaching the right things. If webinars and online lessons aren’t the right route for you, there’s also the option to consider one-on-one mentoring. You can sell your knowledge online through a range of online marketplaces today.

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Invest in Real Estate

Investing in real estate is a reliable way to make extra cash, but it’s something not everyone has been able to do until now. In the past, investing in properties used to mean you needed enough money to pay for a second mortgage, or buy a property outright, even if you couldn’t find a renter or someone to make an active income with.

These days, crowdfunding solutions for buying rental properties mean you can invest in a portion of a home or building, rather than buying the whole thing. Arrived is a company that offers these well vetted crowdfunded opportunities. By investing in a portion, you can eliminate the operational headaches usually associated with looking after a property of your own. You still get all the benefits of getting involved with real estate too, like a reliable source of income.

Become an Influencer

If you’ve always considered yourself to be an influential figure, there’s an opportunity to make money by connecting with other people. If you have a strong following on social media, you can earn an income by working with brands to promote their products to the people who already appreciate your content.

Notably, becoming an influencer isn’t always as easy as it seems. Not only will you need to create amazing content on a regular basis, but you’ll need to commit a lot of time and effort to building relationships both with your fans, and with the companies you’re going to be working with.