Everyone has had a day or two where their emotional well-being was less than perfect at work. Perhaps you were up all night and just need a few more hours of sleep, maybe the thought of the upcoming deadline on a major project had you stressed, or you simply want to play “hookie” to enjoy some downtime. These are all valid reasons to want to take a break from your 9 to 5. However, they are quickly resolved with a cup of coffee, the ending of the project, or a short-term vacation. 

No one is going to want to be at work all the time. No matter how passionate they are about what they’re doing. However, when your feelings of not wanting to get up or feeling especially drained don’t pass with time, it could mean that your job is getting the best of you emotionally. 

So, What’s Going On?

Why can’t you seem to find the strength to get out of bed each morning? Why do Sundays make you feel depressed? What could possibly be going on? For many workers, these feelings symbolize a potential burnout. The long hours, heavy workloads, and continued pressure to perform your best eventually weigh on you causing your mind, and potentially your body, to break down.

Signs You’re on the Verge of a Breakdown

If you’re are experiencing a mental breakdown or burnout, it is imperative that you recognize these signs and get help from medical experts like those at Mission Harbor treatment. Though any career has its levels of stress, when it starts to drain you mentally, it can result in a lot of consequences. Pinpointing the signs and being proactive can help to prevent it all.

  • You REALLY don’t want to go to work – Is it really a chore for you to force yourself out the door each day? Does the thought of work cause you to get stressed out? Even the consequences of having your pay docked, missing important projects, and disciplinary action by your employer don’t motivate you to get up. When you’re nearing burnout, you start to detach yourself from your job. You want to disconnect yourself from your boss, coworkers, clients, and the workplace itself.

  • You feel anxious about work – The demanding pressures of your job cause you to feel anxious. Your heart is often racing and your thoughts are all over the place. You begin to feel like no matter what you do, it will never be enough because your employers are always pushing you to do more. When you’ve reached this point, the end of the workday no longer brings you solace because you start feeling anxious about the next day and the next.

  • Nothing motivates you anymore – When your job is draining you emotionally your motivation starts to dissipate. You are no longer driven to complete your job responsibilities and your performance suffers because of it. You feel forced to do everything from answer the phone to speaking with a coworker. What once made you passionate and driven to succeed has fallen by the wayside and even the thought of losing your job doesn’t motivate you to try.

  • You’re always sick – Too much emotional stress at work will eventually weaken your immune system. Suddenly, you find it hard to fight off the common cold and never quite seem yourself. Many who are suffering from burnout don’t even have the strength or energy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some become so stressed they’re not eating right, getting any exercise, or sleeping well which all work together to compromise your health.

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Maintain Your Emotional Well-Being on the Job

So, just how much is your job attributing to the decline of your emotional well-being? Have you discovered that you may be experiencing a burnout or mental breakdown due to job requirements beyond what’s possible? If so, it is imperative to get help now. The longer you allow this to go on, the more damage it will do to you physically, mentally, professionally, and personally. There are resolutions to keeping stress down at work, however, if they don’t work, remember, getting help from expert therapists can help rectify the problem.