2020 forced the world to pivot, especially the world of education. Teachers and students transitioned from the well-known method of in-person learning to a lesser-known virtual space. While this big jump was a challenge, there are many positives to it as well. The future of these platforms is very bright. Where do you believe the future of online learning platforms will go in 2021 and beyond?

One positive about using online learning platforms is the ease of accessing educational materials. Knowledge has never been more readily available. Students are able to use any type of device to learn. From iPads, to laptops, to cell phones, students can take learning into their own hands–literally. They have the freedom to learn from anywhere at any time. Not only is this useful for convenience, but also can help teach students responsibility as they become masters of learning on their own. Responsibility is such an important skill to build up among the youth.

Not only are there positives to online learning platforms, but the future of them is endless. Sites like Learning Cloud Australia, Zoom, and BitPaper are forging the way for students and teachers to connect. Websites like this allow connection at the push of a button. This is not possible in the in-person realm of learning. Now, in the virtual world, students can connect with their teachers or tutors at essentially any time. Teachers can reach their students at each party’s convenience.

The future of online learning platforms can encourage education to become more widespread. Since these learning spaces are not confined to a brick and mortar building, class sizes can expand, allowing more people to engage with learning. More people can enroll in classes this way than they can for in-person learning experiences.

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Not only does online learning allow more students to learn, but also it is more cost effective for institutions. In-person learning can rack up costs for materials, space, textbooks, transportation, and more. Virtual learning platforms eliminate many of these costs. With educational budget cuts happening constantly, this can help ameliorate that issue.

One of the best reasons to pursue online learning platforms is the benefit of better learning experiences for students. Students need freedom to learn at their own pace. Online learning can offer just that. In-person, students will not have the ability to move from unit to unit at their own speed. They must work at the same pace as everyone around them. How does the education system value students’ uniqueness while forcing them to learn the same material at the exact same rate as each other?

Online learning platforms were popular before 2020, but they stand a chance to grow in popularity exponentially in 2021 and beyond. There are already many sites that make learning easier and more accessible. Education is all about innovation, so you can expect many more to crop up as time goes on. With the benefits like cost-effectiveness, convenience, and popularity, how can the education system go astray with this bright future?