Whether you are single or not, a doggie date night may be a fun way to mark occupied in your calendar and truly get that bonding time that your furry friend deserves.  Check out these fun things to do with your dog for a doggie date night.  Mark your calendar for a special day or make it a recurring event that hits your calendar weekly or monthly like some pet lovers we spoke to that have a standing doggie date night every Friday night.

1. Beach Walk and Picnic

You may shirk this off as impossible if you live in a colder clime, but don’t forget the point of date night is to make an event of it.  Find the nearest beach to you and maybe make it a weekend.  Just plan for sandy paws and a worn out post beach pup.

2. A Good Dog Book, Snuggle and Treats

If you, like some, like to make a standing doggie date night then you may start a tradition of baking some doggie treats, grabbing your favorite dog book (definitely some good ones out there!) and tucking in after a walk.  If your dog is anything like mine, they will tuck right in and appreciate you slowing down so they can get some extra cuddle time.

3. Beer and Snacks At Dog-friendly Brewery

As dog friendly breweries are making it onto the scene more and more you may find in your neighborhood making this a fun doggie date. We have even found dog friendly breweries in Bellingham, Wa, and Austin, Tx that come complete with doggie play areas.  A brew, play, and treats, sounds like a date night to me.

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4. Hike, Picnic and Treats

If this was a doggie date night on my list, my rat terrier, Dozer, would be in heaven likely along with most dogs.  He loves the outdoors as much as me which makes this doggie date night idea a great time to bond.  I take pleasure in watching him explore the outdoors with such excitement.

5. Photo Shoot and Post

Certain dogs relish the attention of a photo shoot and it can be a fun way to batch some content for your social media account.  There are some humiliation free photo shoot ideas that will have your dog loving the doggie date.  For instance, changing the background of the photo shoot instead of your dog’s outfits and getting some action shots of your dog doing something fun. Have fun with it and don’t forget to reward the star of the show (or date).

6. Fun Bath Time

Most dogs and small children are not particularly excited about bath time.  However, there are plenty of opportunities to make it fun.  There is no need to pass your pup off to the groomer, make a bath a fun date night tradition with fun bath toys like the original Bath Buddy designed to keep your pet occupied and allowing him to enjoy peanut butter throughout the bath.  The post bath zoomies are always fun as well and can quickly develop into a fun game of chase if you are not too drenched with bath water.

7. Farmers Market or Other Dog Event

Many Farmers markets seem to be changing their policy on permitting dogs which is nice and can make the market outing a nice destination for your next doggie date. Farmers markets or other street fairs or festivals are a fun way to get your pup out and about for some time together.

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8. Dog Competition

There is a burgeoning list of dog competitions which not only provide a doggie date potential but the training leading up to the events does as well.  From Treiball, a form of herding exercise balls, Frisbee to Dock Diving, and Agility the possibilities are endless.  Check out some of these fun competitions to have fun and bond with your pet.

9. Learn a New Trick

If competitions seem a bit intimidating you can always start with a trick.  Tricks are great as you can progress in difficulty, like for us, basic commands would be considered a trick at this point but for some fetching a beer is totally part of their skill set.  Just remember if you are thinking that a trick can be learned in a single doggie date night, a dog will need to learn through repetition you will need to spread out learning.  Don’t get frustrated, just keep it fun.

10. Fetch Time

Going back to basics a regular old game of fetch is pretty much always welcomed if you have a dog of that persuasion.  My dogs do not appreciate a game of fetch but so many do that you cannot ignore this as the perfect doggie date.  It may be that you will be the one fetching or chasing your dog post fetch but either way you will be having fun.

Single or hitched a doggie date night is always a welcome escape and bonding opportunity for you and your dog.  Put some of these ideas on your list today!

Kendra Clark is the founder of ThePopularPets.com and author of a new pet parenting book titled, Motherpuppin’ Adorable:What to do when your dog is better than everyone else’s. Visit her website, Facebook and Instagram pages to learn more about pet parenting and petiquette.