Learn How to Make Better Choices and Nail Big Issues at Work
Our education system is evolving all the time, but while greater focus seems to be put on learning facts by rote and hitting the targets set by faceless government departments, soft skills and everyday competencies seem to fall by the wayside.
Do you remember, for example, ever taking a class on how to make a decision? Decision-making forms the very fabric our daily existence at work and at home, yet the majority of us would probably claim that we either tend to make rush choices that we regret, or to find ourselves regularly paralyzed by an inability to commit.
But it’s not that humankind hasn’t learned a thing or two about decision-making – only that it doesn’t seem valued as an academic or even professional skill. But making clear, objective decisions in which you feel as legitimately confident as possible can make the process and the results a million times more rewarding.
For a flash education on the kind of strategies that can help you graduate to the next level of decision-making, take a look at this new infographic from Net Credit.