Living on a lower income certainly has its limitations, but you can stretch your dollar and make the most out of your resources by adopting a few good money habits. Younger adults, in particular, are often forced to take low-paying jobs while they work their ways through school or try to find better careers in the job market and need to find ways to save money in the meantime. Here are a few of the best ways to survive on a lower income.

Reduce the Size of Your Living Space

You can save a lot of money and make the most of your low income by simply shrinking the size of your living space. This might mean having to rent a room from someone to live in until you are able to afford an apartment or a house of your own. You may also want to consider renting a micro apartment or purchasing a small home that it not much larger than an average shed.

If you don’t want to downsize your abode you could always look for a roommate or two to help you out with your rent. Renting out rooms of your own can be a great way to increase the income you have coming in, which combats the problem in a brand new way.

Grow Some of Your Own Food

You don’t have to be a farmer to grow some of your own produce, and many fruits, vegetables and spices can be grown in small containers. You can add dirt and seeds to these containers and place them in an outdoor space or near a window so that they get enough sunlight to promote growth. Some of the best produce items to grow indoors include peppers, radishes and green beans.

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Even potatoes can be grown at home with the use of large buckets, baskets or plastic sacks. If you live in an apartment this might not seem as feasible, but it can still be done. Many neighborhoods have community gardens that anyone can tend to and benefit from. Consider looking into options like this in your area.

Get Low-cost Health Insurance

Having a good health insurance plan can save you money on doctor’s visits and prescription medications, and your health care plan will be particularly useful if you’re ever affected by a serious illness or injury. If you don’t have a history of chronic medical conditions, you can probably get a low-cost policy from a major insurance agency without any problems. Some providers will also reduce out-of-pocket costs for people with minimal incomes. ADU notes that you can enjoy even more benefits with your health care plan by using a free health and wellness monitoring app.

Be Conservative with Your Utility Usage

Electricity, water and other utility expenses can quickly eat away at your budget. You can save money on your utilities by using energy-efficient lightbulbs and fixing any leaky faucets. It’s also important to turn off all lights, TVs and other electronic devices in unoccupied rooms. Switching to less-expensive Internet, phone and cable TV providers is another option that you should consider.

Good Money Habits are Easy to Learn

If you’re like many Americans who are trying to make it on a limited income, you can still live a good life by being smart with your money. There are many programs available designed to help families in need, especially if their financial troubles are the result of complex societal problems in the community. Taking the proper measures can help you stay afloat as you navigate through your hard financial times.

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