Anywhere you go you can ask, something is different. Society has shifted in a fundamental way, such a profound way in fact, that there is no going back to what we used to be. That is because in the millennial age, new technology and innovations are happening at such a breakneck pace that many are saying we are in the renaissance of our time.

One of the biggest tech companies and influencers to come out on the scene is Paypal. It would be very surprising if you don’t have a Paypal already, let alone have never heard of it. Paypal is so revolutionary because it allows safe, encrypted electronic payments to be made all across the world instantly. Their increasing partnerships with many companies has helped it to expand and become the billion dollar business it is today.

So Many Options

One of the great things about Paypal is that it protects every transaction, and is adaptable to any company’s current model. As a result, a lot of companies will use and accept Paypal as a form of payment. There are so many different options for companies to send and receive payments these days. You can even use Paypal for your casino deposits.

This is great because it means you only gamble playing the games, not paying for them. Paypal helped to kick of the online industries of today. That is because they got people more comfortable with the idea of paying for things over the internet. As a result, a massive economy was created, as nowhere else on the planet do billions of people hang out everyday looking for various things. Companies like Paypal helped pave the way for forward thinking businesses to make a profit online, as it made consumers feel safe about using these products and services.

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A History 

The history of Paypal is as interesting as you might think that it is. The company was actually initially named Confinity, and was founded by a small group of guys, Peter Theil, Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, and Max Levchin. That is right, many be surprised to find out that Elon Musk was not the original developer and creator of Paypal.

In 1999, Paypal was launched, thanks to some funding by a venture capitalist company, BlueRun Ventures. The fledgling company was originally used solely to transfer money, but quickly evolved in use and application as their popularity grew. 

Bought Out 

One of the things that really started to give Paypal some traction was when they were acquired by the internet giant of the time, Ebay. Ebay was using Paypal exclusively to secure payments through their platform, and because Ebay was so popular, Paypal became popular quickly along side it.

The nice thing Paypal offered was a paperless way to exchange currency. Before Paypal, many companies had to use costly and time consuming processes such as checks and money orders to transfer money. Today some companies even pay their employees with Paypal.