Even the most dedicated employees need a career change from time to time. If you’re going through burn out and feel the need for something new, you may not necessarily need to go back to school. Whatever your vocation, you have likely developed skills that you can use in another line of work.

Assess Your Skills

The first thing you will need to do in a career change is determine what skills you do possess. The best way to do this is to make a list of your hard skills and a list of your soft skills. Hard skills are things that require training and experience, such as bookkeeping, legal research, or medical care training. Soft skills are those you have picked up along the way, like time management skills, data entry, or problem solving skills. Looking at these skills in print can help you begin to consider new career paths.

Update Your Resume

It’s time to update your resume. In fact, you may want to start from scratch and create a resume and cover letter that emphasizes your skills. As you look back at your lists of skills, determine which skills you enjoy utilizing the most. These are the skills you should emphasize on your resume and in any cover letters you draft. Also, be sure to update your social media profiles with the same information. By making this information publicly available, potential employers may contact you with opportunities you hadn’t previously considered.

Start Looking at Ads

Your next step is to start browsing the help wanted ads, using the top employment sites on the internet. As you search job openings, try to keep the search terms as broad as possible. For instance, if you’re a nurse, simply look through healthcare openings. This will expose you to positions that make use of your skills, but will take you out of your current career path. You might find that you qualify to work for an insurance company, or a medical malpractice law firm. A broad search will open up a larger realm of possibilities.

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Never Underestimate the Power of Networking

No matter what field you work within, the internet has made it extremely easy to network. Simply go to your favorite social media site and search for a skill or industry to find organizations, businesses, and individuals within your field or skill set. For instance, searching for warehouse staffing will help you find organizations and professionals with an interest in providing warehouses with the personnel they need. This type of networking will help you meet others with shared interests, while also helping you find new career opportunities.

A Career Change Can Be Difficult

Making a career change can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. By emphasizing your skills, you may attract potential employers in need of someone just like you. The first step to making a change is to put yourself out there. If you let people know you’re on the market, opportunities may come to you.