A doctoral dissertation is a fundamental scientific work entirely devoted to a certain topic. The work is an in-depth study of a specific issue, the solution of which has a positive impact on society, the economy, science, healthcare, agriculture, etc. After receiving a doctoral degree, a scientist can take a professorship. However, a career is not the main point of this work. The main thing is the contribution to the scientific and social life of society.

Stages, Plan, and Size of a Doctoral Dissertation

Scientific work fully reflects the qualifications and depth of knowledge of the applicant. The study begins by choosing a topic. It should be relevant and innovative, discussed and approved by the academic council in a higher educational institution or research institute. It is very important that the topic is related to previous studies and published studies of the applicant. And if you feel like you need some help, make sure to ask for it. The best decision would be to find a professional writing service like AdvancedWriters and ask someone to write my paper

Weighted Approach to the Selection of Materials and Literature

When choosing a topic, many researchers are guided by their own degree of awareness of the issue. A pleasant bonus will be the experience of scientific research on this topic. The starting point in the development of the material can be considered the studies already described.

The practitioner draws on his own experience. For example, a medical practitioner will not rely on theoretical materials published in the laboratories of another country. For him, his own experience in treating a particular disease is much more important. Many researchers choose well-known topics that they have already worked on. This is an ideal option. 

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How to Start Writing a Doctoral Dissertation

The starting point can be a completed scientific work on a specific topic. On its basis, the author can move forward, studying the problem more deeply. For example, in medicine, the results of randomized clinical trials that are of global importance are connected. In addition to already published articles, you can use the existing archive data, protocols, regulatory documents and modern scientific literature. The use of the World Wide Web is absolutely necessary. There are officially confirmed scientific sites that can be used. The information posted on them is confirmed in official scientific sources.

Requirements to Write and Defend a Doctoral Dissertation 

In addition to the correct design, many requirements are observed in the process of working on the study. The purpose of the study and its applied value in practice are very important. The topic should be innovative and dedicated to the study of an important scientific issue. That is, it should show its fundamental difference from outdated practical methods and bring something new to the solution of the problem. The topic should be deeply covered. An ideal option is a modern hypothesis or theory of solving a fundamental scientific and economic issue. Naturally, the discovery must be made by the applicant himself.

Particularly stringent requirements apply to the abstract because this is the main part of the work that is studied by members of the certification committee. An abstract is a summary of the main text. Remember that nobody will thoroughly study all 200 pages. The main attention will be paid to the abstract, introduction, conclusions and selective paragraphs, based on the content. 

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Additional Recommendations on the Dissertation

In the process of writing an article, you should try to use the correct terminology, and avoid unnecessary descriptions that do not carry a semantic load. Pay special attention to the introduction and conclusions. People’s minds are built in such a way that they pay maximum attention to these sections. Remember that you should write a draft first. After this, edit it chapter by chapter.

If you are writing a scientific work based on a candidate dissertation, keep in mind that the volume, depth of research, and practical application of the work should be more significant. Do not forget to check the work for uniqueness at the end. Pay special attention to programs that verify translation from other languages.

Practical Tips for Writing a Dissertation

Pay particular attention to the list of references. All works should be sorted alphabetically. Indicate the pages from which the material is taken. Make a separate list of the most authoritative sources, they should be placed at the very beginning. Also, divide the list of used publications thematically: fundamental works, archival documents, extracts from legislative documents, presentations and reports, monographs, scientific articles, etc. And stick to the amount of work indicated by the supervisor and academic board. Defending a dissertation, be confident, speak clearly, and remember about the appearance and literacy of speech. 


High-quality work and an authoritative scientific adviser are the keys to a successful defense of a doctoral dissertation.