How do you know which career is right for you? Your interests and what kind of work-style best suits your life will play a big role in this choice. Some people are people persons, others are more detail-oriented and prefer to work alone, for instance. However, the viability of your career should always be a consideration, especially in the long-run, too. So, how do you make sure you’re getting into a career that’s going to be in demand for years to come to ensure that you always have a position to jump into? We’re going to look at a few tips to exactly that end here.

Look at what the fastest-growing jobs are

If you’re looking for a career that’s likely to sustain you long into the future, then there’s no replacement for a little research, simple as that. Start with the obvious question. What are the fastest-growing jobs and industries? There are plenty of guides for great career fields for the future, helping you look at which industries are currently recruiting the most people, as well as why recruitment is on the way up. For instance, in the digital sector, jobs are growing across the board because both consumers and professionals are relying on digital technology more than ever. It’s important to know the why behind a certain sector’s growth to make sure it’s not just a flash in the pan.

Get the training that can sustain you across careers

When you choose an in-demand career path, then it’s important to make sure that you’re also considering how much training and education it will take you to get into that career. Look at which of the fastest-growing jobs in America will need a college degree, to start off with. However, you don’t necessarily want to choose a career that you already have most of the training and education for. Instead, you might want to look at which careers utilize education that can also be applied to other career fields. As such, you can choose a degree that can lead to multiple different kinds of jobs so that, even if one does fall through, you’re versatile enough to find another place to work.

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Find a career that you can find connections in

As they say, it’s not just what you know. It’s also who you know. Networking will open doors up for you in just about any career. However, it’s a good idea to look at career routes that you might already have some contacts in. As such, not only can you get in touch with them to find out the health of the industry. You might be able to tap some potential mentors to help you find your feet when you transition to that career, too. Mentors can benefit your career in a lot of ways, giving you some clout to get into positions you might not otherwise.

Find the skills the will best benefit you across careers

Finding a long-lasting career that is likely to support you for years to come is a good strategy to make sure that you stay in demand as a worker. However, you might not want to rely on one single career path and instead focus on becoming a worker who could, if needed, make the transition from one career to another. As such, it’s wise to look at the skills that are currently most in demand, not just the roles themselves. Make sure that you’re paying attention to both soft skills and technical skills, as they both matter when applying for new jobs.

Never stop learning

As you will have seen, having the right education and training matters a lot when it comes to making yourself an in-demand worker. Doing the research to find out which skills and careers can sustain your career the longest is important but what’s important most of all is that you are always growing your skillset. Look to always keep growing your competencies, keep building certifications, and never stop developing your career until the day that you retire. This way, at the very least, future employers can see that you have zero problem learning new skills for the job and will be more willing to hire you off your general experience even if you don’t bring the specific skills that they need.

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Manage your professional brand

Your reputation can go a long way in helping you maintain the kind of career you want long into the future. The networking mentioned above is just one way to build that personal brand, as well. You can also look into things such as setting up a LinkedIn account and posting content based on what you have learned through your career. This is particularly important if you’re looking at working in leadership roles such as managerial and executive officer positions. The more people know about you, your work history, and the competencies that you bring, then the more demand you will be in, even if you don’t always have the most relevant skills right off the bat.

Don’t get fired

Unfortunately, it is a fact that if you lose a job, you can end up with a black mark in that industry that can be really difficult to rub off. As such, it’s important to do what you can to keep your job, giving your employer no justification to fire you. Making sure that you stay on time, work hard, play well with the team, and be as flexible as you can are all important points of avoiding getting fired. This doesn’t mean you will necessarily keep the job, but having to be let go or being made redundant as opposed to getting fired for cause looks a lot better on your work history.

It can be hard to say that absolutely any kind of job is future proof as we don’t know what innovations will change the workplace in the future. However, the tips above can offer your career the best chances of survival so it’s worth taking them.

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