In our ever-changing everyday lives, it is very easy to get addicted to anything, from alcohol to playing online games. It is hard to stop something we are used to doing even if we no longer get any enjoyment from it anymore. Admitting that you are an addict and that you have a problem is a huge step to take, however, once you have admitted you have a problem to both yourself and those around you, whether this is friends, families, and/or work colleagues, then you can begin to move forward and start the recovery process, no matter how long it may take.

What is Addiction?

Addiction put simply is when your body shows a lack of self-control. It is where a person cannot cease addictive behaviors or steer clear from addictive substances. Addiction can happen at any point in a person’s life and you can get addicted to just about anything, from gambling, to drugs and alcohol. Addiction can be triggered through a change of personal circumstances, such as a relationship breakdown or even the death of a family member. You can easily get addicted to something such as alcohol because perhaps it makes you feel good and makes you feel more extroverted and more sociable. You might be addicted to drugs because of the buzz you get after taking drugs, or maybe the feeling of being part of something if you are taking drugs with others is what you like. Whatever your addiction today is the day to take action.

Top Tips for Dealing with Addiction

  • Take it one day at a time. Coping and getting on with life when you have an addiction requires you to carry on (as best as you can) with your day to day life.
  • Start a daily log and note down all the positive things happening in the day, this way when you have a bad day or period you can refer back to your log and reflect on the positive progress you have made.
  • Find out the root cause for your addiction and try to eliminate it if possible. For example, get out of that job you dislike, or that toxic relationship you may feel trapped in.
  • Remember that you are not alone in dealing with addiction, find someone to talk to. Reach out and talk to someone on the phone or online. Some organizations and charities work around the clock to offer assistance and support to addicts.
  • Steer clear of people who may be aiding your addiction. If for example you are addicted to alcohol and drugs and your family like a regular drink then try to distance yourself as much as you comfortably can. Being around people who are taking part in what you are trying to quit is one of the hardest things you will possibly have to do.
  • Don’t isolate yourself. Try to stay as sociable and integrated into daily life as you can, withdrawing from daily activities will not always be beneficial to you or your recovery.
  • Don’t hide from your problems and addictions. Where possible face your addictions head-on. The sooner you deal with your addiction the better.
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How Can I Cope With Addictions

When coping and dealing with any addiction you may have, it is important to look after yourself as best as you can daily. Ensuring you practice good self-hygiene and self-care including eating healthily will ensure you don’t neglect yourself. It is important to find other outlets for your free time. If you went drinking in your free time, or even gambling, then try to replace this activity with something else, such as taking a walk, reading a book, or watching a movie. Try to meet new people and try new things. Taking up new hobbies and meeting new people both online and offline will provide you with a welcome distraction. It will allow you to channel all your energy into something new.

What Do I Do Now?

Now you have all the information and knowledge that you need to make changes. It is up to you to put them into action and to maintain your new lifestyle so that you can get a grip on your addictions once and for all. Think about setting goals and targets for where you see yourself in the future and where you want to be in say 1 year. If you have targets and goals, both short term and long term in place then it is easier to stay on track on your road to recovery.