Vacations help improve your physical and mental well-being, leading to increased productivity. That’s why, every year, millions of people leave their homes and travel far to experience another destination.

But many of these people find it challenging to sleep at their destination. Brain chemical activities and imbalances due to different time zones can cause sleeplessness during travel. Here is how to get cosy and snooze off while you’re exploring beautiful destinations on your next vacation.

Try Sleeping During The Flight

Some people find it hard to sleep while they’re 35,000 feet above sea level. There is so much anxiety, too many things to see and experience. But, if you can do it, then find a way to sleep in the air, especially if you’re going on a very long trip.

To help you sleep better on a plane, lean backward with proper support and wear light-blocking eye masks. Also, make sure to power down your device to avoid distractions and put on earplugs to reduce noise from your environment. Putting on some bed socks will also help.

Find A Hotel To Help You Sleep Better

There are different types of hotels for different types of travelers. When sleep is a priority, you need to consider it while booking a hotel once you arrive at your destination. The hotel must be in a quiet environment with little or no noise. Make special requests regarding the bed and sleeping sheets you’ll be using.

Ask for a soft covering if the bed is too hard. Hotels make use of all sorts of sheets including flax or silk luxurious fabrics for bed coverings. Know the difference and decide which one you want while making a reservation.

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Adjust To New Schedule Early

You can fight jet lag by adjusting to your new schedule early, at least three days before you travel. Do this by sleeping one or two hours earlier or later than you normally do. If you feel tired, avoid taking a nap and be strict about sticking to your schedule.

You may also need to change your feeding and physical fitness routine by not eating or exercising close to bedtime. Instead, make your sleeping environment quieter and more relaxing to achieve satisfying and restful deep sleep.

Make Plans Ahead

Vacations are fun, but preparations can sometimes be stressful, especially if you don’t plan. Stress and anxiety can make it hard for you to sleep, even if you lodge in the most comfortable hotel.

So, make plans ahead to help you prepare for your next vacation. Pack only the things you need, book flights in advance, and have a guide to put you in the right direction. If you’re traveling with someone, ensure you’re on the same page by carrying them along in your plans.

Travelers experience jet lag after a long trip that can cause serious sleep issues due to misalignment in their circadian rhythm. Drinking plenty of water and taking melatonin medications can help reduce symptoms and get you sleeping well again.

Pick The Right Physical Activities During The Day

The kind of activities to engage in during the day may determine the quality of sleep you’ll get at night. So, select activities that will help you reduce stress, relax, and have a good time. For example, spending all day in the sun usually makes people on vacation sleep at night. This is because sunlight causes a slight rise in temperature, which then goes very low during the night, promoting coolness and calmness.

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Sunlight also triggers the brain to release the hormone serotonin to boost mood and make you calm. When the light goes out at night, your body also releases melatonin which helps you sleep better.

Hangout Before You Sleep

After visiting wonderful sites, beautiful landscapes, ancient buildings, and the beaches, you’ll retire to your hotel. However, don’t go to sleep straight away; spend some time relaxing at the bar or in your room before retiring to bed. Give your body time to calm down, have a conversation with people, meet new friends, and enjoy every moment.