In a recent study by the Sleep Health Foundation, 29% of adult Australians admitted to driving while drowsy. 20 % have nodded off at the wheel, and5% admitted to having caused an accident because they dozed off on the road. And not just that, 33 to 45% of adult Aussies have poor sleep patterns. This leads to fatigue and irritability, low productivity, diminished mental capacity, and health risks as well.

The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be understated. Unfortunately, getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done, especially if you have long-standing bad sleep habits.

Here are six tips to reboot your system to ensure you get a good nights sleep.

1. Change Your Attitude

There is a common misconception in Australia that people can do with much less than what is required. Science disagrees.

Sleep plays a pivotal role in one’s overall wellbeing. In fact, getting enough sleep at the right time can protect your physical health, mental health and give you a better quality of life.

When asleep, your body works hard to support a healthy brain function and maintain good physical health. In children, sleep supports growth and development.

For adults, it’s recommended to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day. For teens, kids, and infants, the hours are higher.

It’s important to recognize the importance of sleep and to raise the next generations of Aussies with the right attitude toward sleep.

2. Get Comfortable

Sleep is not just about getting in your 7-8 hours of sleep, but also about the quality of sleep.

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For example, do you wake up several times during the night, tired or even with body aches?

According to Michael Decker, Ph.D., RN, an associate professor at Georgia State University, “A mattress can impact a person’s sleep”.

A good mattress depends on an individual and any pre-existing conditions they might have.

However, do not consider a mattress that doesn’t offer superior back support or doesn’t have some of the bonus features similar to those offered by these Melbourne mattresses.

3. Have a Calming Pre-Bedtime Routine

If you are like most people, the period before bedtime is laden with overstimulating activities.

These can be social media, movies, smoking a cigarette, and even work.

Similarly physically and psychologically stressful activities can signal your brain to release cortisol. This hormone increases your alertness.

A relaxing bedtime routine can include reading a book, taking a bath (the rise and fall in body temperatures encourage drowsiness), meditation or calming music.

Get More Snoozes

These tips will help you not just sleep longer, but have deeper, rejuvenating sleep. In time, you will see improvements in your memory, productivity at work and general mood.