If you’re familiar with the history of cannabis legislation in the United States (not to mention most countries around the world), then you know the reason for it being banned had nothing to do with serious health or economic considerations. Fortunately, the tide has been turning over the past 20 years or so, and it appears as though we are finally entering an era in which people will be able to enjoy the many benefits of cannabis without fear of legal or societal backlash.

Fighting the stigma outside the Cannabis Community

Helping people outside the Cannabis Community understand the benefits of THC and CBD — as well as helping them understand that the myths are in fact myths — is one of the primary goals of the industry. By helping the general public understand the power that cannabis has to improve the lives of so many people, their hope is that Cannabis will become a treatment that is increasingly supported by society.

Does cannabis truly help with pain relief?

For a long time, many naysayers claimed that cannabis medicinal was simply an excuse to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. Ignoring the fact that there shouldn’t be any issue with recreational use, these naysayers were simply incorrect. In fact, there is an ever-expanding list of medical studies, including THC and CBD studies, which clearly indicate that the potential medical benefits of cannabis.

Here are a few other myths about cannabis worth debunking:

CBD and THC are basically the same thing

Another myth is that all the components of Cannabis are essentially the same. The reality is that Cannabis is made up of many different compounds — collectively called cannabinoids — which have considerably different attributes. One example of this is the fact that THC is more psychoactive, while CBD has greater pain-reducing effects.

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Cannabis causes “The Munchies”

The idea of the stoner sitting on the couch eating Cheetos is ingrained into our social fabric. That’s due in large part to the countless movies and television shows which portray cannabis users this way.

While it is true that some strains of cannabis can increase sensory experiences — which can lead to an increased enjoyment and appreciation for the flavor of many foods — there is little to no evidence indicating that cannabis causes the so-called “Munchies.

Cannabis kills brain cells

If you’ve ever been in a D.A.R.E. class, you probably remember being told that cannabis kills brain cells. At one point, some D.A.R.E. officers were telling elementary school children that each joint killed one billion brain cells. Ignoring that fact that — with countless trillions of brain cells — this is an insignificant number of cells, there is simply no evidence which supports the claim at all.

Cannabis is more harmful than tobacco

Another common misconception is that cannabis smoke is more harmful than tobacco. While it’s an understandable thing to believe — after all, cigarettes are “filtered” while cannabis typically is not — studies actually show that the opposite is the case, with cannabis being less damaging than tobacco.

Of course, you can simply eat cannabis and receive the same effects without any impact on your lungs at all.

Cannabis is a “gateway drug”

Finally, perhaps the most common myth about cannabis is that it is a “gateway drug”, leading to a life of crime, hard drugs and misery. While it’s true that there are many cannabis users who also use hard drugs, there is essentially zero evidence that the use of cannabis led to any of it.

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Do you own research and think for yourself! That way, you can make more informed decisions about what you put into your body, and can be as knowledgeable as possible about pain relief options available to you.