If you thought skydiving was badass, take it to the next level and BASE jump! Gen Yer, Jeb Corliss, defies death every time he flies through the sky like a human rocket. B.A.S.E. jumping is a sport that takes over 200 skydiving flight experiences to master, and is a free falling technique designed to launch off any stable ground. The acronym B.A.S.E. stands for the type of environments jumpers launch from: Buildings, Antennas, Span (bridges), and Earth (cliffs).

At 35, Corliss has spent his life becoming a professional B.A.S.E. jumper, skydiver, and wingsuit flyer. Among his worldly flying experiences, he has jumped from sites including Paris’ Eiffel Tower, Seattle’s Space Needle, and Kula Lumpar’s Petronas Twin Towers.


Most B.A.S.E. jumping is launched at an altitude of 2000 feet with 1000 feet of free-falling at which the jumper is flying more than 120 mph. Since Jumpers fall at lower speeds, they have less aerodynamic control, and are more likely to risk tumbling. The body’s position at the time of take off determines the stability of flight in the first few seconds. The suit, which includes parachute compartments, is specifically designed like a wombat’s skin. Encompassing airflow which allows for soaring, jumpers are able to steer with arm and head movements.

wingsuit_sky_diveCorliss says he speeds up or slows down by controlling how much surface area he presents to the air. Instead of falling straight down, he glides through the air, moving three feet horizontally for every foot he descends vertically. He has become so proficient and skilled, he claims he can control his flight precisely enough to fly through a window.

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Whether you’ve considered skydiving or not, Corliss inspires extreme sporters to push beyond their mental limitations and enjoy life from a bird’s eye view.

