Self-improvement is a continuous process. It’s not something that stops when you’ve accomplished one goal. When you hit a particular plateau, though, it can be difficult to figure out where to go next. Below are three ways to find your next path to self-improvement, which should help make your next move a bit easier.

Start Reading

If you’re stuck on what to do next, you should remember that many others have tried to walk the path of self-improvement before you. There’s no need for you to reinvent the wheel when there are others out there who have already done the hard work. Go look at books on the subject and see what you can glean from them. You don’t have to follow the path of another person, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to find out what others might think on the topic. If you read enough books, you might be able to synthesize the information within to figure out a path that you’d like to take on your own.

You don’t even have to read self-help books. Instead, you can look at books that will improve your life and help you learn about the things that you’re interested in and areas of your life that you would like to learn about—think about books on parenting, skills, philosophy, etc. Hit up the library or a local book store, find a comfy spot, and start reading! Little by little, apply the things that you learn to your personal life and you’ll see a difference in yourself soon enough.

Get Out There

One of the hardest parts about really improving one’s self is that you have to test yourself against the world. It’s easy to philosophize alone, but things get a great deal tougher once you have to look other people in the eyes. Take some time to go out, volunteer, and figure out how the world really works. You’ll learn something about yourself and the choices you’ve made, as well as the paths that you might need to take to make yourself a better person.

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Look for a New Job

Finally, it might be a good idea to start looking at a major life change. If you really want to improve yourself, it might be a good idea to look at a career that can help you to improve the lives of others. Pursuing a degree in nursing online might be a great way to change the path your life is on. If you can devote your career to helping others, you can better improve your own life. If you can get it done on your own time, even better.

The Journey Toward Self-Improvement

Remember, there’s not a single path to self-improvement. You’ll need to study, test yourself against the world, and be willing to make major changes in your life. If you’re willing to put in the work, though, you should be able to place yourself on a better path. You’ll never stop striving to be better, but by doing so you’ll improve your life.