If you are thinking of hiring a digital marketing agency to take over all of your company’s online marketing efforts, you will find that there is a large choice out there. Even in small towns, there can be a vast number of marketing agencies servicing clients based all around the world. So, as you can tell, you might need to spend quite a bit of time whittling them all down to find the best one for you.

To help you do that, here are some useful questions you should ask each agency that you consult.

Do You Follow Google Webmaster Guidelines?

When you hire a digital marketing agency, they may initially lure you in with a free SEO proposal, but soon after will probably want to overhaul your company website’s SEO as this has a huge impact on your marketing. If you get your SEO just right, then it will help your website work it’s way up through Google search results listings. However, you need to make sure that the agency is going to follow the strict Google Webmaster guidelines when they work on your SEO. If they don’t then your website could easily incur some penalties and be pushed down to the bottom of the rankings.

What Type Of Content Do You Produce?

You will have no doubt heard the adage that ‘content is king’. This is still true, even after a couple of years. So, the digital marketing agency that you hire has to be producing fresh and unique content for your company. And they shouldn’t just stick to written content, such as blog posts. These days, companies need to produce a wide range of engaging content, from videos and animations to email marketing campaigns and infographics. The wider the range, the better chance you have of successfully engaging with your community.

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Which Social Media Platforms Should My Company Be On?

Not every company needs to be on every single social media platform. This will depend on the type of business you run and the type of results you want to see. For instance, if you are an office-based company and specialise in administration, then there isn’t much point in you being on Instagram – you won’t be producing anything that looks good in an image. So, you need to ask the agency which social media is best for you, and see if you agree with their reasoning behind their answers.

Can You Also Do Web Design?

Did you know that web design is also important when it comes to your website’s SEO? Now that websites can be mobile responsive, it’s important that yours is too. That’s because more and more people now view the internet on mobile screens, which need this special design to be viewed properly. Any marketing agency worth its salt will know this and will be able to help you get your website mobile ready.

Hire A Digital Marketing Agency

There is plenty you need to speak to a potential new digital marketing agency about before you hire them. Hopefully all of the above questions have given you plenty of food for thought!