Founders Of Harper Wilde Take The B.S. Out Of Bra Shopping
Harper Wilde founders Jenna Kerner and Jane Fisher started their brand after feeling the frustration at the status quo that is the bra market as we know it. Keeping their business model simple with 3 styles of bras, and one price point; the two have found success in their sector of business and are celebrating their first full year in business.
Millennial Magazine sat down with Jenna and Jane to discuss this milestone for the up and coming brand.
Tell us how Harper Wilde originally came to fruition.
We were frustrated with the process of buying bras. We questioned why any woman should have to pay upwards of $60 for a bra. We looked at current product offerings, and realized how hypersexualized bras have become, and how unnecessary all of the added embellishments and bells and whistles were. We realized that a product that is made for women, is actually marketed toward men – and that was something we knew needed to change. Women deserve a product and a brand that they are proud to stand behind.
Is there a brand or business model that particularly inspires you?
Glossier does a fabulous job of empowering their customers and is a model for how to build an engaged community. It’s awesome to see a brand take the time to engage on social media and really take customer feedback into consideration.
If you could give advice to young entrepreneurs, what would it be?
Know your values. You’ll get opinions from every direction, at all times. Knowing at your core what you believe in will help you filter advice and determine the best path for you and your business.
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What is the biggest hurdle you’ve overcome in your entrepreneurial journey?
There is no right answer to most decisions we have to make. We often seek advice from mentors, advisors, and experts, and every time we get contradicting opinions. When we first started, this was unnerving – it meant carving our own path that may be new or different from anything anyone has done or seen before. Now we see that as an exciting opportunity. We’ve learned to trust our instincts and push forward, knowing that regardless of outcome, we’ll have learned something that will make us sharper in the future.
Why do you think Harper Wilde has resonated with so many women?
After hundreds of interviews, focus groups, and surveys, we realized that nearly every woman hates buying bras. Given it’s a universal product and a universal pain point, the concept has really resonated for a lot of women. Not only that, but customer feedback and repeat purchasing has shown that the product really hits home too.
What are some other goals or plans you have for the brand?
Over 60 million girls have no access to education, so as apart of our mission to “Lift Up the Ladies” we partner with The Girl Project to fund donations to send young girls to school. For us, our education has been vital to our business and is what helped us get to where we are now so we look forward to continuing that partnership. On the business side of things, we just closed a major fundraising round and we are using that money to expand the sizes, colors, and style in order to be as inclusive as possible. We are excited to grow Harper Wilde into the next go-to for everyday bras.
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