Millennials, otherwise known as Generation Y or the Net Generation, follows the demographic cohort known as Generation X. There is some dispute of when Millennials were born, but it’s generally thought to be around the 1980s to the early or late ’90s. Not all Millennials are alike, but the generation is based around two significant factors: growing up with technology and the economic collapse of the 2000s. This particular environment has shaped the mind of the Gen Y in a broad sense and seems to even cross cultural boundaries.

Technology and the Millennials Dependence on It

Millennials grew up around computers, the Internet, and smartphones. They tend to adjust to new programs, operating systems, and devices with more ease than older generations. Whether you’re from North America, or Scandinavia you’re going to find a Millennial on their phone playing and adapting to technology. Mobile gaming like online casinos, are increasingly popular with this demographic as well. This includes sites like Casumo, a well known casino for digitally inclined players.

The Comfort of Social Media

Millennials are also more likely to be comfortable with a public internet life or persona. This comfort means they’re better at self-promoting and fostering connections in an online setting. As a negative though, this means that they are often comparing themselves to their peers and will often have the feeling of FOMO. Millennials in Japan are just as likely as Millennials in Europe to produce this image online that’s unlike themselves to emphasize their better qualities.

How They Learn Compared to Other Generations

Google searching to wrap up an argument is common at the Millennials table. It’s easier to search something up on the internet than to read it in a book. The negative to Gen Y vs. Gen X is that they’re too reliant on technology to a fault – although they use it frequently, they may not know how it works. Gen X however, is more likely to know how to build a computer and understand hardware issues.

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The Kind and Adapting Gen Y

With the integration of so many cultures, Gen Y’s are more likely to be tolerant of other people, cultures, and religion. They are also more likely to be adaptable to new ideas and to learn from their mistakes.


Millennials across the globe are least likely to have faith in institutions like government or schooling. On the opposite side, they’re more likely to support protest and independent politicians. They are also less likely to be religious, racist, sexist, or homophobic than past generations. They are more concerned about social justice as a whole and seek to gain social and economic equality.

The Workplace

Workplace satisfaction matters more to Millennials than compensation, which is a complete reversal from past generations. They are also the least likely generation to put up with an unpleasant work environment and are more likely to use social media as a way to air dirty laundry. Public relations is also more likely to be honest, and forthcoming in their hands, and they’re more likely to be advocates for employee rights.


Millennials have had more advertising targeted at them than any other generation before them. This has made them more skeptical about promotional material of any kind. This means that they’re more likely to listen to their peers than what marketing or public relations asks them to think. Conventional marketing and employee recruitment methods are often ineffective for Millennials if done the traditional way.

Disillusionment of the Millennial

Although Millennials around the globe are more likely to be optimistic on average, this optimism has led to a lot of disillusionment. Many early Millennials who went through post-secondary education often found themselves without work in their related field or were left jobless as a whole. This may have been due to the ever-present group of helicopter parents who told their children they could be whatever they wanted.

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Developed Versus Undeveloped Millennials

Most striking is the difference between Millennials in developed countries and those in undeveloped or developing countries. In developed countries, millennials make up a smaller percentage than in developing countries. Where developed country Millennials are mostly anti-materialistic, value personal relationships over products, and are more concerned with social and environmental issues, this is the opposite in developing countries. Developing Millennials are more likely to mirror Gen X than Gen Y, and are more concerned with their social status than anything else.