Right now, most of us are spending a lot more time at home than we might have ever envisioned, with the ongoing Covid-19 virus outbreak. As people follow guidelines for social distancing throughout the U.S., people are getting creative in the ways that they now live their lives.

For people used to going to a gym for their fitness sessions, they’re begin forced to find new ways of doing things. In some areas of the country, it’s still feasible to go to parks or exercise outdoors, but in bigger cities, we’re seeing fewer people in the public parks and working out outside.

There’s one thing that you can be happy about right now, however, which is the fact that if you are stuck at home, there are a lot of great workout options available to you.

Peloton App

The Peloton company is probably one of the biggest names in fitness right now. They offer high-end treadmill and bikes along with programming that lets you feel like you’re in a studio, despite all the classes being streamed from a New York City studio.

Peloton has garnered somewhat of a cult following, but now if you’re dealing with a Covid-19 quarantine, you can see what all the fuss is about.

The company recently announced they would be extending the free trial period for their app from 30 days to 90 days in the U.S., U.K., and Canada.

Sure, you won’t be able to use the bike or tread, but you can still get a lot of the benefits of a Peloton class.

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In addition to the bike and treadmill classes, there are yoga, strength, meditation, and cardio classes offered live and on-demand.

Beachbody On Demand

The Beachbody company has brought you popular at-home workouts like Insanity and P90X for years. They also bring you people on social media trying to sell you subscriptions to their programs and their shakes, and while that can be a little annoying, they do have quality fitness content to get you through the virus slump.

With Beachbody on Demand, you pay a subscription and have access to most of their content.

There are dozens of fitness programs you can stream and you can also find things like meal plans.

You can find something for all fitness levels and all interests. There’s weight training, cardio, combination workouts, kickboxing, yoga, Pilates, and more.

It would be tough to get bored with Beachbody on Demand, and most of the programs have calendars so you can track your progress.

Tone It Up Studio Workouts

The Tone It Up brand was launched by two bubbly personalities—Karena and Katrina.

Their fitness videos have grown into a massive empire, and they offer so many different home workouts along with a dose of positivity you might need right now.

Some of the workouts you’ll need equipment for, but not all.

The Tone It Up app has studio workouts that are streamed, much like Peloton, and they also have on-demand workouts.

You have to sign up in advance to participate in the studio workouts, and then you can have the social component of seeing other people who are also doing the class at the same time as you. It’s a good way to feel connected to other people at a time when you might otherwise be feeling lonely.

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The workouts are filmed either in a studio or at the beach.

You can also set certain goals for yourself and track your progress.

SWEAT with Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines is a fitness influencer on social media, and she has something called the SWEAT app. Many of the strength-training workouts are meant for the gym, but there are at-home options as well. The app is relatively expensive at $20 a month, but if you sign up for a year it’s only $120.

There are four programs that are part of the app, including two from Kayla, and a workout from Kelsey Wells. There’s also a yoga program with Sjana Elise.

The workouts include bodyweight options, so you don’t need equipment, strength workouts with machines and heavy weights, and each program also has cardio as a complement to the strength training.

Workout Tips

Along with the programs, the following are some tips and tricks to keep in mind if you’re moving your workout into your home for the time being.

  • Create a mood. If you’re doing yoga, maybe you light a candle and create an ambiance similar to a yoga studio. If you’re doing something else, open up your shades and let natural light in, or if it’s night turn on your overhead lights.
  • Experiment until you find something you like. It’s not easy to start a new fitness routine, and even if you’re used to working out, you may not be in the routine of doing it at home. Do a little experimenting to find something you like.
  • Write a plan for yourself. If you want to stay organized with your fitness goals and motivated, sometimes it can help you write things down. Write what your goals are for the day and the week so you can have the satisfaction of checking them off as you complete them.
  • Get your family involved if they’re also home. Most of us are spending a lot of time at home right now, including our kids. If your kids are home from school, make your workouts a family affair. It will keep everyone’s mood lifted during a tough time.
  • Go to Amazon for equipment. If you want to create a home gym or an area of your home dedicated to working out you’ll find great deals on equipment through Amazon, and you won’t have to leave the house.
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Working out is a good way to stay physically and mentally healthy as we ride out the effects of Covid-19 in the U.S., so don’t neglect your well-being during this time.