Functional fitness training is beneficial as it allows people who fall into various age groups and with different athletic abilities to strengthen their muscles and maintain their health and well-being. They come with a substantial safety benefit that aids in the prevention of falls for older users. Not only that, but functional fitness training is also a major part of physical rehabilitation treatment plans.

Unlike other fitness programs that focus on one muscle group at a time, functional fitness training works on toning and strengthening numerous muscles and joints at once. This is because it imitates the natural movements of the body and its main goal is to improve the body’s function in daily life. Functional training focuses on preventing injuries, improving balance, and increasing coordination and agility. To help you get the most out of your functional trainer, you need to know what to look for before you buy one. Let’s take a look.

Ease of Use

Before buying a functional trainer, you should always test out the pulleys and the weight stack rods. No matter how reputable or renowned the brand is, it’s your feel, your opinion, and your movement that matters. How easily a machine runs for one person may differ for someone else. You need to try out the functional trainer that you intend to buy to get to know how easy to use it actually is. You get more resistance when the machine works smoothly, allowing you to complete quick and powerful movements. This will strengthen your muscle fibers and promote agility.

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Weight Stacks

It’s important to make sure that the functional trainer that you plan to buy comes with two weight stacks. This ultimate guide to functional trainers suggests that ideally, a functional trainer with a two-stack system is what you should opt for. If your functional trainer has one weight stack, then this would be counter-productive. Having one weight stack would make your functional trainer no different than a traditional gym as it would encourage one side of your body to compensate for the other. Instead of improving balance and preventing injury, a functional trainer with only one weight stack would spiral muscle imbalances and promote potential injury. Having two weight stacks will allow each side of your body to function independently without having to fill in for the weaker side. This eventually evens out any imbalances.

Pulleys and Adjustments

Invest in a functional trainer with long pulleys to be able to take several steps forward. Without long pulleys, you may not be able to perform power lunges, weighted sprints, and other exercises, preventing you from making the best of your machine. You should also make sure that the functional trainer that you buy has various height adjustments. This will ensure that you can perform all of your exercises correctly and avoid making mistakes that lead to an ineffective exercise or avoidable muscle strains. If your functional trainer has limited height adjustment options, you will end up with difficult or awkward performance issues.

Search for a machine that is easy to adjust. Difficult and complex machines will take all the fun out of exercising and might eventually discourage you. Easy adjustments will make your exercise session much quicker and more effective. This is because you won’t have to take long breaks between your reps to adjust your machine.

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Chin-Up Bars

You need to look for a functional trainer with good chin-up bars. Search for one with multiple grip options as this will be more convenient for wrist movements and can help you avoid injuries. Multiple grip options can also allow you to target several muscles, completing an even more effective exercise session. You should make sure that your machine is well-balanced and sturdy so that it feels solid when you are doing pull-ups.


Many functional trainers come with different cable adjustments that you can use throughout your workouts. Make sure that the machine you choose comes with easily accessible and practical storage spots to carry all of your training accessories. Otherwise, you may end searching for equipment when you don’t need to, hindering your entire exercise routine.

Space and Durability

Functional trainers can take up lots of room, so before buying one, you must measure and assess the dimensions and height of your space. You should also consider the type of exercises you will be doing or other machines that you will be placed near your functional trainer. Keep in mind that you may need to rethink your layout so that your space can accommodate these machines. The specs of the machine are not the only thing to consider. You should select a functional trainer that is durable since it’s a rather hefty investment. You don’t want to spend more money in the future to get it fixed or replaced.

Functional fitness trainers are versatile pieces of training equipment. They allow your body to exercise in a way that mimics the natural body movement. This guarantees improved strength, agility, and balance. However, it is important to choose the right functional trainer that accommodates your needs.

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