It is one of the best feelings in the world to have a dog that you’re so proud of! From guard dogs to pocket dogs and long-haired breeds, there is a canine match for everyone! But, there are some breeds whose public perception is unfavorable.

Due to these canines’ fighting history and their selective breeding for aggressive dog behavior, legal restrictions have been imposed as part of the Dangerous Dogs Act in 1991. The Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogos Argentinos, and Fila Brasilieros are enforced to wear a muzzle in some countries, but in the UK they are actually banned.

A related issue for all canine owners is that if your dog is reported to authorities and found to be similar enough to the above mentioned types of dogs, you can still face punishment. Therefore, canine owners around the world are using muzzles to appease the public, assuring their commitment to citizens’ safety. However, being considered an aggressive dog is not the only reason dogs should wear muzzles.

Wearing a muzzle

When a canine is rescued from an abusive environment and adopted, their trauma response that has helped the animal survive can very often be to bite when it feels threatened, anxious, or insecure. Because of this pervasive behavioral reaction, some aggressive dog owners may feel more comfortable knowing there is no risk of strangers or other dogs getting bitten on a walk outside.

You may also feel more comfortable with your pup wearing a muzzle if they have dominant or territorial tendencies. A confrontation with another dog or person at the wrong time may just be a misunderstanding, but people or other animals could end up getting injured. Let’s take a look at how to make your walks as relaxed and satisfying as possible!

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Ensuring your pup is comfortable is key when fitting a muzzle on your dog for the first time. There are useful sizing guides to help you find the appropriate size for your dog, The size and comfort need to be right before you can start your muzzle training, as you need to be confident that it has been sized correctly.

Keep in mind that a muzzle might not fit well with dogs that have short snouts, as well as long-nosed breeds. Make sure that if your dog’s muzzle feels unsuitable, uncomfortable, or too loosely fitted, that you select a brand that has custom fitting. As some pet accessory brands sell muzzles, harnesses, or collars that are made with hard, plastic components, checking the comfort of your dog is key to worry-free walks.

Ensuring dogs’ comfort

Acquiring ergonomic products with adjustable straps is the best way to go! For a muzzle, it should always be breathable, not too constrictive, and preferably made from soft or lightweight materials. Having a comfortable dog on your walk gives you the best chance for both you and your pooch to be relaxed and enjoy your time.

Feeling in control

Being able to de-stress on a walk means that you should not feel scared, worried, or even uptight. Feeling in control can mean many things, but firstly that your dog has on a collar and leash that is properly fastened and made out of durable material.

Perhaps you are nervous that your aggressive dog might run away if it gets a chance. In this case, you can consider using a reliable harness or employing rewards-based training. You may also want to educate yourself on some dog behavioral psychology and better understand the various influences of problematic behavior.

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Not only can this greatly inform your training, use of behavior control techniques, and your dog handling, but also empower you to feel in control of whatever may happen. Feeling in control also implies that you are not panicking and that you’re enjoying your time.

Being a calm leader

With muzzle designs that have improved tremendously over the last few years, there is much less chance that your dog can remove it or that it will slip out. And this applies to other dog walking products, like leashes, collars, and harnesses.

With more effective and sophisticated designs than ever before, you are assured to feel more in control of your pet while you’re out on your walks – offering you peace of mind that your walk will be worry-free!

Nevertheless, as a proud owner who cares very much for their beloved dog, you should be reassured that if you need extra support in training your dog, that you will contact a specialist to help you. Dog behavioral trainers can make the world of difference to your walking, as well as your home-life with your pup. It can feel disheartening to be worried on your walks out, but you and your dog deserve support from a professional who can transform your walks into a ritualized, daily worry-free experience!