People around the globe consume multivitamins daily. It has become a common practice these days. Furthermore, the marketers urge people that a high intake of chosen vitamins boost their health and help them in many ways. Yet, you must follow the instructions written on the label of the multivitamins that you purchase. And, of course, your doctor’s prescription. 

Either they are the delicious savoury multivitamin gummies from the Gummies Garden or the mouth-watering gummies from Nature Made, or perhaps the multivitamin treats for men from the centrum; overdosing on anyone would pose many problems for you.

Here you will learn about the hazards associated with overdose of multivitamins and the side effects that they bring about in our body.

The numerous vitamins have been divided into two groups: Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.

Overdosing On Water-Soluble Vitamins

These are not easily stored. Instead, they are excreted out along with urine. Hence, they would cause problems if ingested in massive amounts. Even extremely dangerous side effects could be caused upon consuming some water-soluble vitamins in extreme quantities.

Irreversible damage to nerves is caused if you overdose on vitamin B6. However, it would not occur in a day. It happens gradually. On the other hand, niacin, when consumed a lot, like 2 grams per day, would result in damaging your liver.

Overdosing On Fat-soluble Vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in your body as they do not have the tendency to dissolve in water. Thus, they are more harmful as they may accumulate and cause problems. Yet, if you overdose on non-synthetic vitamin K, it is not a problem, for it is harmless. This is the reason this nutrient does not have a UL ( upper intake level). Upper Intake Level is a set limit indicating the maximum limit of any nutrient above which it will cause harm to your body.

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Potential Health Risks Of A Vitamin Overdose

Vitamins do not cause any harm when they are consumed abundantly through natural food sources. However, it becomes easy to consume high amounts if taken in a supplement form, which adversely affects your health.

Vitamin A Toxicity

Vitamin A promotes vision and immune system strength. The recommended daily dose range is from 3000 IU to 2333 IU. An overdose of Vitamin A causes skin reddening and irritation. Severe symptoms may include vision problems, dizziness, nausea, migraine, bone pain, or even death. Also, an overdose is associated with possible liver damage.

It is caused by consuming excess animal food sources along with supplements. Plant-based vitamin A has not been found to spread any vitamin toxicity. If a chronic vitamin A overdose gets diagnosed through a blood test, poison control should be immediately notified, and a hospital has to be reached within an hour.

Vitamin B Toxicity

The group of B vitamins are essential for regulating our bodies metabolism. It is important for your skin, muscle, brain health, etc. Luckily vitamin B toxicity is not known even though it is consumed in high doses with the exception of Vitamin B3 and B6.

Vitamin B3 therapeutically manages cholesterol. An overdose in pregnant women can cause congenital disabilities. Patients with gout can develop increased uric acid levels by vitamin B3 overdose. It also worsens the peptic ulcer. People with pre-existing liver dysfunctions can also experience liver damage.

Vitamin B6 overdose negatively affects the brain, creating tingling and numbness. Consequently, it causes a lack of coordination, disrupted digestion, etc. Fortunately, symptoms subside with the discontinuation of vitamin B supplement.

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Vitamin C Toxicity

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents cell damage. Large doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea, nausea, cramps, and disturbed digestion. However, vitamin C through food does not inflict as much harm as the vitamin C supplement does.

Vitamin D Toxicity

Vitamin D builds strong bones and is used for calcium absorption in the body. Taking a higher vitamin D dose results in vitamin toxicity. This could lead to increased blood calcium levels and cause kidney stones, nausea, vomiting, constipation, etc. it also increases the risk of cancer. Treatment options include stopping the consumption of vitamin D supplements on an urgent basis.

Vitamin E Toxicity

Vitamin E protects your body from cell damage. The recommended daily dose of Vitamin E is 15 mg. An increase in dose for a more extended period can increase the risk of prostate cancer, haemorrhages, and strokes.

Vitamin K Toxicity

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for the clotting of blood. It is not toxic, and high doses have not reported any significant side effects yet. It is found in small amounts in food, and an overdose cannot be detected, causing any harm.


Vitamin toxicity is a thing to be concerned about. You should never take vitamin supplements without the advice of a practising physician. Also, immediate medical attention should be given in case of an overdose, and the case should be treated as a medical emergency.