Does adult life get you down? Are you tired of going from the office to your home and back to the office again, cramming in some chores in between and slumping in front of a streaming service the rest of the time? You’re in a rut, and you’re probably daydreaming about running away from it all.

The thing about ruts is that they look a lot deeper than they really are. Most of the time, all you need is something to shift your perspective. Sometimes, you just need something to look forward to. The tips below can help you inject some fun into your life.

Monthly Snack Subscription

If you’ve ever traveled abroad, you might already know that one of the weird and fun elements of being in another country is buying that bag of chips in a language you don’t understand and sampling it without knowing what to expect. Even if you’ve just traveled to other regions of your own country, you might have experienced some local nibbles that weren’t quite like what you got back home.

Get ready to replicate that experience in a big way, with a monthly snack subscription box that brings you tasty and interesting snacks from around the world. If you’re the impatient type, you can get it shipped right away. Invite your friends over for an unfamiliar snack tasting party and bid the same-old same-old doldrums goodbye.

Try Something New

It’s important that injecting more fun into your life doesn’t start to feel like just another thing to scratch off your to-do list, so really give this one some thought. What are you dying to do, or what did you used to want to do but lost track of somewhere along the way?

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Maybe it’s joining an improv comedy troupe or doing community theater. Maybe it’s joining an amateur soccer league. Maybe it’s buying a telescope and getting familiar with the night sky, hosting a regular board game night or adopting a pet. Whatever it is, make it something that you want to add to your life not because it’s good for you or you think you should but just because it sounds like fun.

Be Ridiculous

Think about the times when you were having the most fun in your life. Most likely, a common thread through all of those times is that you weren’t thinking about yourself. You weren’t self-conscious, and you didn’t care what anyone thought about you even if they were looking. Sometimes, all you need to do is give yourself permission to be ridiculous again. You don’t have to do it in front of people, and you might be surprised to realize that you’ve quit singing in the shower or dancing to your favorite song even when you’re alone.

In fact, doing something ridiculous and fun in the privacy of your own home is a good place to start. From there, take a leap into something scarier: karaoke, an open mike night, dragging your recumbent bike out of the basement or sending your best poems to a magazine.