Have you ever been in a situation where your vision is distorted or impaired?  If you have, you’re not alone. According to Patient.com.uk, by the age of 45 most people will need some type of vision correction. Vision problems generally come with ageing. You’re not going blind, just getting older. When deciding which route you should take to improve your sight, consider the following options: contacts, glasses or Lasik surgery.

What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Glasses?

Glasses come with their own set of checks and balances, a big plus being that they don’t sit directly on your eyes. The lenses don’t even touch your eyes. Whereas contacts come in direct “contact” with your eye-balls. Glasses also lend themselves to current fashion trends and can be an extension of your personality. Because glasses don’t have to be frequently replaced like contacts, they’re also less expensive in the long-run. And if you have dry or sensitive eyes, glasses are probably the better option as they don’t impede the circulation of air or moisture to your eyes.

However, glasses do have their downsides, such as distorted peripheral (side) vision and difficulty focusing on objects when first adjusting to new glasses. Glasses also tend to fog up during temperature changes. The weight and pressure glasses put on your face can also be sometimes be uncomfortable. In addition, some people think they obscure natural facial features and get in the way.

What About Contacts?

Contacts are clear lenses that attach directly to your eyes and go virtually unseen during daily use. If you live an active lifestyle and participate in a lot of sports and physical activities, contacts won’t get in the way. They also don’t fog up or become obstructed by the weather. If you are looking to spruce up your appearance with a different eye color, contacts can come in a variety of colors and shades for those feeling adventurous.

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But think about all of the time and maintenance contacts require. If you don’t have daily disposable contacts, you must frequently clean and treat your contacts to prevent eye infections. Contacts can also cause dry eyes and eye strain when looking at a screen for too long. Not to mention that falling asleep with your contacts in can cause irritation and your eyes to feel gritty.

Which Is Better, Contacts Or Glasses?

When making the decision of contacts or glasses, there is no definitive answer because it’s based on personal preference.

If you have been wearing glasses all of your life and have never dabbled in the world of contacts, trying them out may not be a bad idea. The same goes for glasses, if you’re willing to give them a try, go for it and find out which works best for you.

What Is Lasik?

Don’t think that you’re only limited to contacts or glasses either? Lasik eye surgery is becoming  an increasingly popular option. The process of Lasik involves the use of a laser to correct both nearsighted and farsightedness as well as astigmatism. This laser process sends pulses of light towards your eye and painlessly repositions your cornea. The actual surgery only takes about five minutes and the recovery is also short and free of stiches or bandages. Other laser related eye surgeries include Lasek or epi-Lasik, which can be good alternatives if you don’t qualify for Lasik.

Lasik does however carry a few risks. Although it has a success rate of 96 percent, it’s still not a sure thing. Unfortunately, once you get the surgery the procedure cannot be reversed, permanently altering your vision. Some other side-effects of Lasik include: glare, seeing halos around images, difficulty driving at night, dry eyes, and fluctuating vision. It remains a valid option for those looking for a permanent solution, even with the potential risk.

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Before making a decision about which option is best for you, meet with an expert (eye doctor, surgeon, physician) to find out about what each choice truly entails.