When people seek to maintain their homes, it’s important that they look after the exteriors. They need to protect them from harsh weather conditions and ensure that water doesn’t get inside the buildings. You may be adding or replacing the decking at your home, and currently wondering whether to use wood or composite decking. If you’re wondering which is better, read on because this article discusses this very subject.

Composite Decking Materials

Wood composite decks are designed to resemble natural wood. Manufacturers use a variety of methods to achieve this, including using recycled materials from old composite decks, adding colorants, and even embossing the planks with a wood grain pattern. They can be manufactured from plastic, wood fibers, and other components. Plastic is a common composite used in manufacturing these types of decks because it’s more durable than real wood products.

In addition to being lighter, composite decking also resists splitting and denting. This is in contrast to what real timber does over time when exposed to weather conditions such as rain or snow. Specialist decking websites will tell you that composite decking is water resistant, and they can also help you with things like wall cladding, composite fencing, trims, and fixings. Many online companies enable you to view product photos, prices, and bestsellers, as well as featuring installation guides.

Wood Decking Materials

Wood decking is typically made from cedar, pine, or redwood, and it has a natural beauty that can really enhance your home’s appearance. It also tends to be cheaper than composite decking. However, wood decks require more maintenance than composite decks – they need to be stained and sealed every year or two in order to protect them from the elements.

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It’s important to select the right type of wood for your climate and region, as some woods will withstand weather better than others. For example, cedar is a good choice for wet climates, while pine is better suited for dry climates.


Composite decking is more resistant to moisture and insects, and it doesn’t require any staining or sealing. Because it’s made from recycled plastic and wood fibers, it is much more environmentally friendly than traditional composite decking.

As we’ve said, it requires very little maintenance – it will last at least 20 years without fading or staining and can be easily cleaned with just soap and water. In contrast, wooden ones will only last around 15 years.


Composite decks are easier to install in places that may have difficult access. This is because they don’t require the same amount of planning as wood does when installing it around obstructions such as trees or power lines.

Composite decks come with proprietary screws designed for use with composite lumber so homeowners won’t need any additional tools during installation (both types of boards will usually come with basic hardware). The installation process is faster too since there’s no sanding involved. You just nail down your board and screw them together using either specially manufactured nails or standard ones purchased at home improvement stores.


Composite decks come in a variety of colors and textures, so you should be able to find one that will complement your home’s appearance. This mean’s there’s an aesthetic advantage over wood decking because it offers more color choices than other kinds of lumber do when they’re stained or painted.

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For example, composite materials allow you to use dark colors such as, black, gray, and brown. They can also be made to look like marble or other unique building materials if you want something more distinctive than a typical wooden deck.


Composite decking is available in a range of prices, depending on the materials used in its construction. A basic composite deck without any bells or whistles will be cheaper than most types of wooden decks. However, if you want extras such as lights or an underdeck system, expect to pay more for your composite option.

In scenarios where wood decks are cheaper to install than composite decks, you will need to budget for regular maintenance. It’s only by regularly staining and sealing your decking that you will be able to keep it looking its best.

Wood Decking Pros

Here are some general advantages of choosing wood decking:

-You have more options for wood sizing, such as x-large boards. This also makes it very versatile in home design situations where space may be limited, but aesthetics are important.

-Wooden boards can be stained and sealed in a variety of colors to enhance the wood’s natural features or to match your home’s exterior.

-Wood is a renewable resource when it is sourced from well-managed forests.

-It has a low environmental impact due to the absence of toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing process.

Weight Support

Composite decks cannot support as much weight as wooden ones, so they may not stand up very well over the years (although recent technology has improved this). They are also generally designed for lighter uses, such as a place where people will sit around with lawn chairs or tables. Composite decks don’t have the strong structural integrity you need for heavy furniture like barbecue grills, sinks, and other features you might want for your patio.

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Wooden decks are a better option if you’re looking for weight support. They can withstand the weight of heavy items, so you won’t have to worry about your deck collapsing under pressure.

Those With Good Reviews And Warranties

Composite decking materials are quickly gaining in popularity, especially as they come with a warranty. This means that if something happens to your deck within a certain time frame, the company will replace it for you. Composite decks also tend to have better reviews than wood decks do.

As you can see, both types of decking have their pros and cons, so there is no universal solution. Everyone has different requirements, so you’ll have to choose according to your specific needs. If you do some research and speak to a decking specialist, you could end up with garden decking that will serve your friends and family for many years to come.