Job hunting can be a lengthy, time-consuming, and frustrating process unless you work in a high-demand industry. Many things may need to fall into place to find your dream job. The job market is incredibly competitive. Standing out to potential employees is difficult because there are always other highly qualified individuals applying for the same position.

To succeed in a competitive market, you must approach job hunting strategically. Here are five essential tips that will give you an edge over the competition.

1. Research Target Companies and Positions

Searching for a new job often means browsing dozens of listings and sending many resumes and cover letters. To streamline the process, research your target companies and positions before starting to apply. What are the local companies that operate in your industry? What companies would you like to work for? Which job positions can you aspire to based on your current experience level, skills, and qualifications?

Researching target companies and positions will help you set realistic expectations. Moreover, it will help familiarize yourself with each company’s culture and values and determine what salary and benefits you can expect.

Look at Glassdoor reviews, check the official websites, and follow company newsletters. Any piece of information may prove valuable when writing your cover letter or going for an interview.

2. Improve Your Resume

When searching for a new job, there is nothing more important than updating your resume and checking every detail in it. Your resume is the most valuable ally in your job search, so it should perfectly outline your career trajectory and objectives. Inaccuracies, spelling errors, clumsy formatting, and lack of relevant keywords can drastically affect your chances of being called for an interview.

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Crafting a good resume that grabs attention is not an easy task. This is why resume writing services exist. Many job seekers prefer to let a professional revamp their resume. Thus, they have the guarantee that everything is perfect. So, get resume help if necessary.

An important detail to remember is that your resume should present you as a perfect fit for the job you’re applying for. Thus, you may need to tailor your resume to each job. The goal is to convince the recruiter within seconds that you have the skills they are looking for. To achieve this goal, you will have to study the list of requirements in the job posting. Then, you must emphasize them in your resume if they apply to you.

3. Use the Power of Networking

Networking plays a crucial role in the professional world. For many job seekers, a recommendation can open many doors that may seem inaccessible. Thus, when searching for a new job, it can be helpful to utilize your network of professional connections and contacts. Let former colleagues, managers, or professors know that you are looking for a job. They may know of a job opening that is not advertised online.

Another idea is to connect with other professionals in your industry, either online or offline. However, make sure to nurture authentic relationships based on common professional interests. Let others start conversations about job leads instead of asking for them directly.

How to expand your network as you search for a job? Here are some ideas:

  • Attend industry events, such as conferences or trade shows.
  • Join professional associations or clubs.
  • Connect with other professionals on LinkedIn or social media.
  • Connect with former colleagues, managers, or mentors.
  • Connect with employees at your target companies on LinkedIn and let them know about your availability. Some companies have a referral system, which means that recruiting managers look at recommendations from current employees before looking at the resumes coming in from job websites.
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4. Get Organized

Finding a new job that matches your expectations can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. So, arm yourself with patience. Checking new job ads, writing cover letters, and sending applications can get overwhelming quickly. By the time someone calls you for an interview, you may already forget what jobs you applied to. To make the process easier and more efficient, you will need to develop a system to organize your job search.

An excellent way to get organized is to use a spreadsheet to keep track of all activities related to your job search. Create separate columns and add each job you apply to, the time of application, calls for interviews, and other relevant details.

Another helpful tip is to go to each job search site that you’re using and set up job alerts. Thus, you’ll never miss an important ad. Take a few minutes each day to go through the newest job ads. Set reminders on your phone so you won’t forget to send an application when you get to a computer.

Getting organized will ease the stress associated with job hunting and give you the feeling of being in control.

5.  Don’t Limit Yourself to Online Job Boards

With so many parts of our lives moving into the digital world, it is no wonder that a large majority of jobs are advertised exclusively online. Most job seekers also rely only on career websites to find job listings.

Even though online job boards make job hunting seem easy, the reality is different. For each online job ad, there is a massive number of applications. It takes seconds for anyone to upload their resume, and many do it even if they do not have the right skills or qualifications. Thus, recruiting managers are bombarded with online applications. Your resume can easily get lost in this digital pile.

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The alternative is to contact companies directly via their official websites or write to the recruiting manager on LinkedIn. Sending your resume any other way than uploading it on a career website will increase your chances of getting noticed.

Final Words

Searching for a new job is not easy in today’s competitive job market. Use the tips above to speed up the process and get the job you know you deserve.