Gen Z accounts for people born in the mid to late 1990s, and the youngest Gen Z people were born in the early 2010s, meaning that twenty years from now, they will be entering serious careers in the workforce. So what career choices should Gen Z be looking into for their professional development as they grow into adulthood? 

1. Business Administration 

If there’s one thing we can all count on in the coming decades, it’s the success of businesses on every level. The last few years have seen a dramatic rise in small businesses and startups, and the trend is set to continue. In future years these smaller businesses will be the next big thing. 

Even small businesses need business administration; that’s why it’s a smart area to move into for the Gen Z generation. Everything from large-scale global corporations to tiny startups needs the services of educated business-savvy people to organize the book, so you always have work.   

2. Computer Science 

Another area that is set for growth and development in computer science. Of course, computers and automation have a significant role to play in the future, and understanding these systems and processes is one of the best ways to secure a lucrative career and grow personal wealth. 

Automation is already becoming a fundamental aspect of companies and business culture across the globe, now is the time for the younger generation to find their next career on the tech sales job board to secure the livelihoods of the future and carry the tech-torch forwards. 

3. Political Science 

It is not only technology and business that will have the best opportunities for the Gen Z generation; society and politics are also key areas. Every generation has its talented individuals, so if you aren’t tech-minded or you have a gift for communication, political science is an area. 

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Political science is the academic study of politics as a social science, and opportunities are likely to exist in government departments and corporations – especially as the two become evermore intertwined. For those with a head for statistics and politics, it’s a smart career move. 

4. Economics 

The field of economics isn’t going away any time soon; in fact, by the time the younger Gen Z people reach working age, economics is likely to have a crucial role in the sustainability of the planet and the future of society. Already, the field of economics is seeing some radical changes.

Economics is key to creating sustainable systems, and there is a shift toward the circular economy. For Gen Z people with a talent for statistics, demographics, and geographic data, pursuing an economics career is a lucrative and beneficial choice for the future of Gen Z. 

5. Marketing 

Marketing is also central to the future business world, as it has been for generations. In marketing, nothing stands still. At one time, professionals could not see past billboard ads, newspaper ads, and television ads; fast-forward to today, and everything is transformed. 

Marketing is essential for businesses to promote products and gain brand visibility, and nowadays, it is easier than ever before. In recent years marketing has changed significantly, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Gen Z will be the next generation of marketing superstars.  

6. Information Technology 

In some ways, information technology makes the world go round. Today, systems are a little more sophisticated than a few generations ago; we can now fit the IT of the Nasa computers from the 1960s into a smartphone device. What will it be like a few generations from now? 

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Gen Z are digital natives, so they are familiar with technology, but they will still have to keep up with the pace of change if they want to ensure they create the best careers for themselves. Future IT careers are likely to be cloud-based and software-based careers in various forms.  

7. Communication 

A Gen Z person that is skilled in communication will not be without a future career. Communication is at the heart of everything we do in the business world and is one of the fundamental building blocks for industry. Communication careers exist in all areas of business. 

An upcoming Gen Z person might consider a career in digital marketing; they might also consider a career in public relations, writing and publishing, politics, and much more. Some people are natural communicators, but it’s also a skill that can be learned to support a career.  

8. Finance  

If there’s one thing we can count on, it’s that there will be money in the future, at least for another few generations. Of course, money could disappear eventually when digital currencies take over, but even then, there will still be some need for financial advisors and services.

Young Gen Z people should bank on a career in finance if they want to make money and retire early. If they have the acumen, the young people of tomorrow can earn money in the financial markets, through investments, or by supporting companies with financial services in their job.

In order to excel in the finance industry and seize the opportunities it presents, obtaining relevant certifications is crucial. Certifications such as the Series 7 can provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills required to navigate the intricacies of financial markets and investments.

By acquiring the Series 7 certification, aspiring professionals can enhance their credibility and open doors to a wide range of career paths within the finance sector. To assist in the preparation process, a FREE Series 7 study guide by Career Employer offers a valuable resource that can serve as a comprehensive tool for mastering the required material and increasing the chances of success in this competitive field.

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By leveraging such resources and demonstrating their expertise through certifications, Gen Z individuals can position themselves for lucrative opportunities and a potential early retirement while continuing to play an essential role in the ever-evolving landscape of financial services.

9. Psychology 

The future is likely to be a complicated place with many challenges. Today, there are issues with stress, anxiety, depression, and various other psychological issues relating to the modern world. This is unlikely to change in the future unless there are advances in biochemistry and science. 

Some people have a natural interest in psychology that makes sense for their career; others find their way to it through personal experience or career recommendations. However, young people find their way to the field they can ensure they will have a lucrative career throughout their lives. 

10. Sociology 

Big data has changed the way businesses operate; no longer are they at the mercy of wooly statistics; they can now find out targeted information about their customers and how they interact with the business. It might sound left-field, but this is an area for a talented sociologist. 

Sociology is the study of humans and communities, but it has a broad application. Sociology can be used in every walk of life, including the businesses of the future, to help them make better decisions about how they interact with customers and how they grow their organizations.