In everything he touches, Pumpkin’s colorful personality shines through and he loves nothing more than to have fun with his audience as his remixes for the likes of Peter Gabriel, David Bowie and The Muppets will attest to.

But whether you catch Pumpkin playing at a massive festival, packed club, underground warehouse party or a special sunrise set, you’ll never have more fun on the dance floor. Simply put, this is the perfect music to listen to while you’re falling in love.

How would you define your music?

Melodic house and mid-tempo, chock-full of nostalgia and remixes of songs you can’t help but sing along to.

When did you first decide music was a career path for you and how did you get your start?

When I was three years old and heard Bruce Springsteen’s “Born In The USA” – that’s when I knew all I wanted was to play music. I got my start in music playing in bands around Southern California throughout my youth, and got my start deejaying with the help of my Pocket Underground peers Cody Lee, Sammy Bliss and Jesse Wright.

What genres do you naturally gravitate to and who are some of the artists that you listen to on a regularly basis?

Anything with a heartfelt melody and a chunky beat will get my attention. Right now I’m loving what Zhu, Autograf and Thomas Jack are doing.

What makes Pumpkin distinctly Pumpkin?

I might be the only DJ that will play David Bowie, Outkast, Bon Iver and The Muppets all in the same set.

POST UPDATE: It is with heavy heart that we report that on March 25, 2016, Nicholas “Pumpkin” Alvarado was killed in a car accident. He was beloved by many in his community and was a hero and inspiration to those who listened to his music. To learn more about the legacy of this young musician, visit his Facebook Memorial page.

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