Living near relatives and friends brings a wide array of perks. You don’t need to travel for the holidays, you’re around to give your loved ones emotional support, and you can always ask them for favors. If you’re moving to a new place and can’t afford to hire interstate movers; this last perk will come in handy. But how can you ask them for help without causing too much trouble? Here is what you should do:

Show Gratitude

Showing that you are thankful for the help does not necessarily erase all of the stress, but it does add a more casual tone to the situation. By taking the time to thank your relatives and friends, you’re showing them that you aren’t entirely overwhelmed by the situation, which can ease their minds too. Take a break to order them some pizzas while you’re packing, or pay for a dinner out a few days prior to the move. It might even be a good idea to send all of your helpers thank you cards after the moving process has been completed.

Allocate Tasks

If you have eight people showing up to help you on moving day, they are likely going to want to know what you want them to do. Before the day of the big move arrives, sit down to allocate tasks. Assigning various tasks to different people will be much easier than trying to figure out what you want each individual to tackle on the spot. You will feel less stressed, and so will they. They are eager to help, but they likely want direction. Doing this will also ensure that nobody is just standing around. Sometimes people stand around when a job needs to be done not because they are lazy or aren’t hard workers but because they honestly don’t really know what to do or where their skills would best be utilized.

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Select a Storage Unit

If you have a lot of things that need to be packed away, it might be best to get a storage unit like those at National Self Storage – Denver. This way, you can put some things aside that don’t necessarily need to go with you on the move right now and that you can come back and retrieve later. This decreases the amount of things that your helpers will have to worry about. It also makes more room in the moving truck for the things that you really want to take with you and ensures that you don’t have to throw out any valuable possessions.

Stay Calm

When you begin to get frazzled, you are probably going to stress out your relatives and friends. If you are starting to get stressed, give yourself a break for a few minutes. In the event that you become too stressed out, you may begin to yell at your relatives or to ask your friends why they aren’t moving more quickly. These instances can lead to fighting, which will only add to the cycle of stress that has already started to grow.

Having help when you’re moving is extremely useful. However, you don’t want to cause stress for your relatives and friends who have lent you a hand.