Millennials do not visit the hospital as much as the previous generation. Most often, they prefer urgent care to primary care since it is at their convenience. But this choice does not mean that they are necessarily healthier than the previous generation.

A study conducted in 2017 by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association shows that millennials between the ages of 34 and 36 were 11 percent less healthy than the generation Xers of the same age in 2014. The study indicated that more than one-third of the millennials suffer from a health condition that could impact their quality of life and overall life expectancy.

Here are some of the top health issues that affect millennials

Major Depression

Since the year 2013, there has been a 47 percent increase in major depression diagnoses among millennials. According to a Blue Cross Blue Shield report, only 4 out of five seek treatment. Some of the symptoms millennials exhibit include irritability, loss of interest or pleasure, increased or decreased sleep, agitation, social withdrawal, and an increase or decrease in weight.

Major depression not only makes it harder to perform daily activities, but it can also make the victim have suicidal thoughts and actions. Rather than suffering alone in silence, it is best to consult a mental health practitioner to determine the best treatment options available.

Hyper Activity

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the top conditions impacting millennials in the US. It happens due to a difference in brain anatomy. Studies indicate that it may spread through family genes or can be caused by some environmental factors. Some of the environmental factors associated with ADHD include prenatal tobacco exposure, premature birth, and social-economic disadvantage.

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ADHD can make you lose self-control, focus, become impulsive, and hyperactive. However, the symptoms may change accordingly with your age. Living with ADHD can be overwhelming. However, you can cope with it by first seeking professional help and support. You also need to take proper care of yourself by ensuring that you eat, exercise, and get enough sleep. Moreover, you should avoid taking caffeine or alcohol, especially before sleeping.

Type 2 Diabetes

More than 30 million Americans are living with diabetes. It occurs when your body finds it challenging to regulate the amount of blood sugar. This health condition can either be a lifestyle or genetic disease. One of the significant causes of type 2 diabetes is obesity.

You can tell that you have diabetes if you suddenly have an unexplained weight loss, feel tired all the time, or if you are always thirsty. Though it does not have a cure, you can properly manage it by either going through insulin therapy or taking a combination of medicines.

You can tell that you have diabetes if you suddenly have an unexplained weight loss, feel tired all the time, or if you are always thirsty. Though it does not have a cure, you can properly manage it by either going through insulin therapy or taking a combination of medicines.

Studies indicate that inflammation can be the root cause of diabetes. Cooking plays a role in that. The oils that most Americans use the most often during cooking are high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats and low in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. You can find out here what’s the best omega 3 to 6 ratio.

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The best cooking oils for diabetes include coconut, sunflower, soybean and peanut oil.

You should also ensure that you eat a healthy diet and keep fit by exercising regularly.


More and more millennials are diagnosed with hypertension. It is one of the fastest-growing diagnoses with a growth rate of 19 percent between the year 2014 to 2016. Hypertension in millennials occurs due to their daily choices, especially on the food they eat.

For example, millennials prefer to eat already prepared foods more than the previous generations. However, these meals contain high amounts of sodium that can lead to high blood pressure. As such, you should consider preparing your food rich in vegetables and fruits rather than going for ready-made meals.

You can also prevent hypertension by ensuring that you live in a conducive environment. Avoid staying in a damp house since it may lead to serious health repercussions. Molds grow in any damp area of your house and release spores into the air.

If you are allergic, the pores can irritate the skin, nose, eyes, and airways. It can also cause mold toxicity, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, you should take the time to perform a mold cleanup of your house.

High Cholesterol

Studies show that millennials are likely to suffer from heart disease due to high levels of cholesterol. The younger generation’s lifestyle changes have contributed to increased blood vessel problems placing the heart and brain at risk.

You may think you are healthy but causing internal havoc to your body due to your poor diet choices. As such, you should pay more attention to your wellness and heart health by paying more attention to the amount of fat in your meals.

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Summing up

As a millennial, several factors may contribute to the above health conditions. Millennials are the first people to grow in an era of advanced technology. Therefore, you may lack the emotional awareness learned from maintaining eye contact, making it hard to break down your emotions and thoughts.

Moreover, the media also plays a role since it exposes you to fearful news that creates feelings of helplessness, fear, and hopelessness. In some cases, your job could also be harming your health, especially if you do not have time to decompress and refuel.