Dogs love to eat. They will eat anything and everything they can get their paws on and sink their teeth into. It is great to have a member of your family that is not a picky eater, however, this comes with certain risks since they are likely to eat anything you put in front of them. Here are some foods that your dogs can and cannot eat.


One of the foods that dogs can eat is meat. This provides the necessary protein needed for their health and diet. However, there are certain meats that you need to be considerate about. If you are going to feed your dog meat, you want to ensure that it is lean meat to prevent them from consuming too many fats that are detrimental to their health and that they have the bones removed that could pose a choking hazard. Avoid giving your dogs raw and uncooked meat, as there is a large number of bacteria present in such meats.


Be cautious when feeding eggs to your pet. Always ensure they are cooked, as any egg that is not fully cooked may contain salmonella. When preparing eggs, keep in mind you don’t have to use a lot of seasonings like salt, pepper, oil, and butter. Your dog won’t want to eat it anymore and it can be harmful to them. If cooked properly, these provide your pet a great deal of protein that is beneficial to their diet.

Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits can be a great snack for your dogs, but it depends on the specific fruit that you give them. Some fruits that contain seeds, can be especially dangerous to give your pet. It is okay to give your dog apple slices, but ensure you cut them accordingly and remove any and all seeds. Avocados are another dangerous fruit as the seed is rather large, posing as a choking hazard, but also containing persin which is toxic and can cause diarrhea, heart issues, and vomiting. Some fruit that is ideal for feeding your dog includes bananas, berries, watermelon, mango, and oranges. As with apples, ensure that the seeds are removed from any fruit that contains them.

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Nuts fall under a complicated category for your dog. The reason being is that dogs can technically eat nuts of certain varieties while staying away from others. However, most nuts contain significant amounts of fat that in large consumption would be detrimental to a dog’s health. This is because different nuts have different ingredients and chemicals, some of which pose a threat and are dangerous for your dog. Peanuts, cashews, and hazelnuts are among the safest nuts that your dog can consume, but should still be moderated. Additionally, you might wonder, “can dogs eat pistachios?” The answer is “yes and no”. While technically, your dog can consume pistachios, they can only do so in small amounts. You do not want to actively feed your dog pistachios as the  Dogs have a habit of wanting to eat anything and everything. Sometimes, you cannot help but drop or spill a few nuts on the ground when snacking, but actively giving them pistachios can be dangerous. You might not have to worry if they scoop up pistachio or two that might have fallen from your bag, just don’t include them as part of their diet. Nuts high in fats can lead to pancreatitis.

Coffee, Tea, And Alcohol

There are a lot of drinks that dogs cannot consume and should stay away from for several reasons. Alcohol is a drink that should not be given to your pet because it can be toxic and dangerous, leading to problems with the functioning of their nervous system, digestion,  as well as breathing. Anything with caffeine, such as coffee and tea, is also dangerous as this would lead to hyperactivity and increased heart rate, and blood pressure. This could result in your dog having seizures or even dying.

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Chocolate is a food that dogs absolutely cannot have. Most dogs will become sick if they ingest chocolate theobromine contained in it which could cause diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive urination. Additionally, some chocolates contain caffeine ingredients, which has been already noted with the dangers to your canine friend.

Be mindful when you feed your dogs human food, as their digestive systems are not built the same. It may feel harmless to feed your dog a bit of what you are enjoying, as sharing is caring, but it can end up doing more harm than good. In addition to the foods themselves, be mindful of how you prepare them too. Your dog’s health should always be a concern for new and long-time pet owners alike.