If you’ve been looking for a way to make extra money, why not set up a few side hustles from the comfort of your own home? Whether you want to use it as a chance to flex your creative muscles or simply get extra cash, there’s a wide array of options you can choose from. Here you’ll find some business ideas to help get you started.

Beauty Services

If your friends are always complimenting your hair and make-up, you could consider becoming a beautician. It gives you a chance to work on your skills and do something you’re already passionate about. There are courses you can take to become qualified and offer a variety of treatments. It’s also important to get prepared. Make sure you have the right equipment, like an acrylic nail kit. You can practice with family and friends before offering your services to the public.

The moment you start practicing as a beautician, you are assuming all risks. There’s always the risk of allergic reactions or skin irritation. You need to protect yourself from liability claims. Make a research on https://www.insurebodywork.com for insurance details and coverage limits. You can find out if you can receive coverage from the moment you begin learning.


So many people discovered a love of baking over lockdown. If you perfected your banana bread and fancy a taste of entrepreneurial life, you could set up your baking business from home. Whether you want to send traybakes in the post, decorate occasion cakes, or get involved in your local food markets – there are so many ways you can make money from baking. Plus, you might be able to enjoy your own creations from time to time too.

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Dog Walking

Pets also soared in popularity during lockdown. When people start returning to the office, there will be a high demand in the market for dog walkers. If you’ve always loved animals and want an excuse to get out and about, this could be the hustle for you. There are things to know before becoming a dog walker. Research the services in your area to give you a good idea of how much to charge and establish an online presence.


Transcribing is a great option if you’re looking for a job that offers flexibility and you can fit it around your current schedule. The job entails listening to audio recordings and writing them as documents. If you’ve got good language skills and are a fast typer, this could be a convenient opportunity for you to earn some extra cash.

A side hustle from home is a great opportunity for you to make more money and potentially develop a whole new set of skills. Pick something you’re passionate about for extra motivation. What side hustle would you like to try?