7 Little-Known Facts About Marijuana Dispensaries
There has been a dramatic increase in public support for marijuana within the past twenty years. As a result, marijuana dispensaries have been popping up at an increasing rate over the past couple of years. Recreational marijuana is legal in 19 states across the United States, starting with Colorado in 2012. With the recent change in laws relating to marijuana, it’s essential to know about dispensaries and how they work.
What Is a Dispensary?
There are two types of dispensaries: medical and recreational. A medical dispensary’s primary use is for medical conditions; pharmacies are prevented from filling and prescribing marijuana prescriptions. When trying to purchase marijuana, you will be asked to present an ID and a medical marijuana card from your doctor.
A recreational San Diego dispensary is less restrictive and allows anyone over the age of 21 to purchase cannabis legally. A medical card is not required, but there are some taxes on recreational marijuana in certain states. Now that you know what a dispensary is, here are six facts about them for your next trip to one.
1. Check the Area
Before visiting a dispensary for the first time, check with your local laws to see if they only have medical dispensaries in the area. Around 33 states allow for medical marijuana consumption only, excluding recreational distribution. Ensure that you know the law and have the proper documentation no matter which kind of dispensary you go to.
2. Method Of Consumption
There are many options for consuming marijuana, such as oils, waxes and edibles. Make sure you know how you want to consume marijuana before making a trip to your dispensary, especially when it comes to edibles. With edibles, it can take up to an hour to work and last up to six hours. Also, try to research the strains of marijuana you want to buy so you know what you want before you go. If you feel stuck, ask an employee at the dispensary, they’ll point you in the right direction!
3. Creation of Jobs
The boom of the marijuana industry is so prevalent that by 2022, over 340,000 full-time jobs will be added to the U.S. economy. In addition, legal sales of marijuana are expected to boast around 20 billion dollars that same year. It’s safe to say that the growth of the marijuana industry will boast many benefits for the economy.
4. No Correlation With Violent Crime
A study from the University of California examined crime rates in South Los Angeles, reassuring residents that there is no connection between marijuana dispensaries and crime in the area. A majority of dispensaries have security measures that protect against corruption. While property-related crimes are more familiar with dispensaries, it’s important to note that violent crime did not increase from the introduction of marijuana dispensaries. In fact, in some states, crime was even reduced by the legalization of marijuana. The law even decreased the use of other drugs, especially when it comes to binge drinking.
5. Products and Expiration
Marijuana products technically do not expire but have been deemed as unsellable before. This comes from a law passed in 2018 by California that all products that were not tested for independent, certified state pesticides, contaminants and cannabinoid concentration levels had to be halted. This law was passed six months after legalizing recreational marijuana in the state, ensuring that consumers buy a safe product.
6. Purchase Limit
There is a limit to how much marijuana you can purchase at a time, and it varies from state to state. For example, California law says that customers can only purchase 28.5 grams at once. Some states limit consumption monthly, but California does not. Check with local laws to make sure you know how much marijuana you can buy in one trip.
7. Your Budtender Is Your Best Friend
The first thing that your budtender will want to know is why you are there and what you want out of the product. Make sure to do your research before you step into a dispensary. How relaxed do you want to feel? Would you instead feel more energetic? Will you be out and about or sitting at home? These are questions that a budtender might ask you. If you don’t have any previous experience with cannabis, that’s okay! Budtenders are there to help.
Dispensary Near You
Now that you know more about dispensaries, you might be asking yourself where you can find one. Finding a dispensary near your neighborhood can be an intimidating task. If you are looking for a Los Angeles dispensary within your area, click the link to find one near you!