Part Time Work And Disability Benefits: 4 Things To Know
Disability benefits are available to people who can’t work due to a medical condition or disability. The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides these benefits to assist with food, rent, and medical care.
In the event of a medical condition that prevents an individual from performing their usual job duties, Social Security Disability benefits might help them financially. Many people who receive disability payments could still do better if they had a part-time job in addition to their disability benefits. However, the Social Security system is notoriously stringent, leading many to wonder if they can do part-time work while receiving Social Security Disability benefits.
Things You Need To Know
People may find it challenging to cope with the stresses of daily life when they have a disability. Those unable to work due to a disability have choices, whether that disability was present at birth or acquired later in life through injury or sickness. Disability-specific programs have been established by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to aid low-income and otherwise disadvantaged disabled people.
Here are the most important things you need to know if you’re a person with a disability who has plans to work part-time:
Is It Enough That I Qualify As A Person With Disability?
To be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits, whether Supplementary Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance, applicants must demonstrate that they’re disabled as defined by the Social Security Administration. They also need to prove they can’t work to support themselves financially due to their disability.
To receive benefits for those who can’t work or can only work part-time, applicants must prove that engaging in this activity is impossible. Read articles found online or here to know more.
What Does Substantial Gainful Activity Mean?
Substantial gainful activity (SGA) is any employment resulting in a minimum monthly income. The Social Security Administration (SSA) considers this when deciding whether to grant disability benefits since it indicates whether you can earn a living wage despite your disability.
The Social Security Administration may want to assess your employment potential regardless of whether or not your income meets the substantial gainful activity thresholds. Even if your low income suggests that you need benefits, you may be able to work in a restaurant because of your volunteer work at a soup kitchen, which demands physical exercise.
On the other hand, the SSA can conclude that you still qualify for benefits despite your high income if your job specializes in accommodating your impairment. It’d help if you couldn’t work in any capacity to be considered disabled.
How Do I Compute Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)?
All work that results in a specific regular monthly income is considered Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). Suppose your monthly income is above a particular threshold. In that case, the Social Security Administration won’t consider you disabled because you may still earn a living wage despite your disability. The SSA for non-blind applicants pays USD$1,350 monthly and USD$2,260 monthly for applicants who are blind.
If your income exceeds the income limit level, the Social Security Administration will likely deny you disability benefits. However, suppose it’s shown that your occupation doesn’t qualify as a significant gainful activity, although your income is above the limit. In that case, you could be forwarded to the SSA’s next stage of consideration—an assessment of your eligibility.
Let’s say you’ve lost your ability to work owing to a disability, but you didn’t bother to file for benefits until after you left your job. In that case, you need to show the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you did so because your condition worsened. You could no longer work rather than because you were concerned about making too much money.
Is The Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) Exclusive Or Does It Have An Exception?
There are ways to increase your income without losing your disability benefits. One way to accomplish this is to take advantage of financial incentives for working. In this context, special programs refer to those that help people who receive disability benefits to return to the working field.
There are numerous variations of such applications. For example, you can get disability compensation if you enroll in a program for vocational rehabilitation. Those who’ve fully recovered from their medical condition and returned to work may continue to receive benefits until they can support themselves.
If you earn more than USD$910 in a given month from work activity, you’ll be immediately placed into a trial work phase, during which you can try to return to work for nine months while still being classified as disabled. The nine months need not be consecutive, so long as they’re all served within a 60-month time frame.
In A Nutshell
People with disabilities rely on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to help them get by. If you’re worried about losing your benefits because you want to return to work, whether part-time or full-time, it’s vital to know how your employment status will affect your benefits and how you can get them back if you become unable to work again.
Consult a lawyer specializing in disability if you have questions regarding income restrictions or if you need help in applying for or having an appeal of benefits from the Social Security Administration. If you need disability benefits, a lawyer can help you process the application, collect the necessary proof, and increase your chances of being approved.