Born between 1980 and 2000 and estimated to be around 22 million in the U.S., millennial parents are thoughtfully adapting their parenting approach to suit their family needs while simultaneously questioning conventional societal standards.

Influenced by a time marked by post 9/11 security issues, worldwide conflicts, and a significant global economic downturn, millennials have transformed an environment of uncertainty into a dedication to offer their children the most optimal upbringing. Here are five methods through which millennials parent differently and are revolutionizing parenthood permanently.

Selecting Distinctive Names

Traditionally, baby boomers named their offspring with the intent of them blending in with their peers, leading to an abundance of Emmas, Alice, Williams, and Stevens in classrooms. The trend of choosing unique names only gained traction more recently.

On the other hand, millennials, known for their tendency to break from convention, opt for distinct, diverse, and uncommon names for their children. This has resulted in grandparents learning to withhold their opinions, and teachers having to familiarize themselves with pronouncing these unique names before the school term begins.

Millennials Parent By Grasping the Conflict Between Technology and Discipline

Having been raised in the era of social media, millennials are typically early adopters. As parents, we are acutely aware of the potential drawbacks of the constant evolution of technology. Similar to how our parents had to regulate our TV time or usage of chat rooms, millennial parents also have to define what screen time means for their children. However, we are not hesitant about introducing our children to technology.

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The ability to customize specific content on a child’s device can be an amazing resource if used correctly. It’s all about presenting children with valuable content in an engaging manner. Since we immerse ourselves in technology daily, we can make these tough decisions.

For kids not interested in technology, millennials are seemingly present for their other extracurricular activities. Kids are actively supported in sports, encouraged to start piano lessons in schools like South Shore Piano School or even taught coding by parents with a love for tech.

They Discuss Financial Matters with Their Children

While facing economic hardships, Millennials are keen on instilling the value of money-saving in their offspring. They tend to initiate conversations about finances with their children much sooner than the Boomer generation. A research study by Capital Group revealed that 39 percent of millennial parents had already discussed the importance of saving money with their children by the time they were 12 years old. There are numerous advantages to educating children about money. It equips them with:

Strong financial literacy
Cultivates skills for budgeting
Curbs extravagant spending
Imparts knowledge on how to save and invest for wealth creation

Kids Are Allowed to Question and Reflect

Parents from the millennial generation are shifting away from the intense, over-involved parenting style of their predecessors, often referred to as ‘helicopter parenting‘, which was characterized by constant supervision and excessive scheduling during the 1990s.

Instead, they are opting for a more laid-back and responsive method. Millennial parents recognize the importance of free playtime, understanding it as a crucial opportunity for children’s independent learning and development.

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Millennials take a significantly different approach to parenting by promoting a more egalitarian family dynamic, where they constantly self-reflect and involve their children in decision-making processes. Additionally, these parents prioritize cultivating empathy in their children, aiming to enhance their understanding and connection with the world around them. Present-day parents share everything from ultrasound images to unforeseen moments in their children’s lives on social media platforms.

They Travel a Lot

Millennials have a deep fondness for travel, and they effortlessly include their children in their adventures. Family trips are more prevalent among millennials compared to couple or solo excursions.

Millennials with kids also travel abroad more frequently than any other age group. 64% of millennial families have embarked on at least one international trip in the last year, which overshadows the percentage of millennial singles or couples who have done the same. When given a choice between owning a home and having travel experiences with family, the majority (56%) favored the latter.


In an era of unprecedented ethnic diversity, millennial parents are shaping a unique parenting approach defined by its variety and broad-mindedness. This strategy focuses on nurturing their children’s distinct external and internal identities and fostering self-expression.