Many of our pets struggle with travel, some even becoming motion sick just like us. If you’re traveling purely for enjoyment purposes, work, or even moving home, you can take measures to make the trip easier for your pet. Factors that can cause detriment while traveling can even include weather conditions and space, so looking at options like cheap RV hire in the US could work for you too.

Not only will certain adjustments offer a smoother ride for them, but with a less stressed pet, your life will be easier too. Taking care of them is the least we can do. Here are ways to give you and your pup a more enjoyable experience on the open road.

Long Journeys

If traveling with your pet for extended amounts of time, it probably means the opportunity for your animal (and yourself) to stretch their legs is slim. There are also different law restrictions regarding international trips with pets. For instance, can service dogs fly? If this applies to you, make sure to take a look.

You may be surprised to learn that the most efficient way to ensure a stressless journey will be to create a packing list in advance, just as you would for yourself. This list could include a blanket, bed, snacks, plenty of water, poop bags, and maybe a car harness.

Here are some additional tips and tricks:

  • Temperatures within vehicles will be far hotter than outside. Pop a shade in the window before traveling to limit the heat. Otherwise, pets in vehicles can suffer.
  • Take your pet for a long walk (if appropriate for the animal) before traveling to tire them out. Hopefully, this way, your animal will sleep for the duration.
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Keeping your animals calm is essential, but keeping them safe while traveling is even more so. It’s important to note, too, that when traveling with puppies, it’s imperative that for any trip, they are vaccinated prior. Rabies, Parvo, and other shots will protect your pet from preventable diseases and infections. It’s also best to get them used to shorter trips first.

Anyone with a pet has probably noticed that they easily pick up on your emotions. If you are stressed or anxious, your pet could feel that too. A stressed pet on moving transport could equal a recipe for disaster. They might try to break loose, make a mess, or otherwise respond in reaction to anxiety. It won’t keep them happy and healthy.

Many people are opting for car harnesses, as mentioned earlier, so no matter what happens, at least your pet won’t be the cause of a road accident. Vehicle harnesses prevent your dog specifically from being able to move around your car. It means there is less chance that the driver will be distracted, so you and your dog are safer in the car.

Get Ready for the Next Trip

Now you’ve got some helpful hints to limit stress and keep both you and your pet safe, you can travel with confidence. Once an animal feels comfortable, that’s the first step! Soon your pet will love traveling with you.