Most people prefer to process more information using visual aids instead of plain-written text. Creating engaging infographics is a great way to present data in an eye-catching and memorable way. They can also be used for marketing purposes to uplift your content strategy.

However, if you don’t have much time to spare, it can be tricky to create an infographic that stands out. In this brief step by step guide, we will show you how to create a high-quality and visually appealing infographic in under 30 minutes. Keep reading to find out.

1. Define Your Audience

Knowing who will be viewing your infographic is the first step to creating a successful piece of visual content. Think about who will benefit from the information you’re sharing and who would be interested in it.

You should think about the knowledge your viewers have about the topic, and what types of visuals will be most effective for them. Once you understand your audience, you can decide on a design and topic that is appealing for them and tailor your message to their interests and needs.

2. Understand Your Goals

Ask yourself what you want the infographic to accomplish.

Do you want it to educate your readers?

Or do you simply want to entertain and engage your audience?

Identifying your goals for the infographic will help you determine the message you want to send, the visuals you will use, and the data that needs to be included to increase your company’s online presence.

Once you have clearly defined your goals, you can then begin to plan the content and design of your infographic. This will help keep your work on track and focused on achieving your desired results.

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3. Choose a Type of Infographic

It’s important to decide what kind of infographic will be best for your particular project and audience. The most common types of infographics are statistical infographics, comparison infographics, timeline infographics, and instructional infographics.

All of these types focus on presenting information in different ways, as implied by their names. So, you will have to understand the type of information on hand and the technical knowledge of your audience.

Once you’ve decided on the type of infographic you’d like to create, you can move on to the next step in the process.

4. Outline Your Infographic

Designing an effective infographic starts with outlining the key elements and ideas you want to include. Make sure that you keep these elements and ideas relevant to your chosen topic. As you come up with these points, consider how you want to order them and the best way to explain each point.

When outlining your infographic, also think about what kind of data or visuals you want to use to support your points. For example, if you’re talking about the number of people affected by an event, you could include a pie chart showing the breakdown of cases by region or by time.

When outlining the infographic, make sure to break up longer pieces of text into short phrases and only include useful and important information.

5. Pick a Template that Fits Your Message

When it comes to creating an engaging infographic, choosing the right template is essential. There are a few things to consider when choosing a template. Think about the type of infographic you want to create and how you want it to look. Different types of infographics will require different templates.

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For example, if you’re creating an informational infographic, you may want a simple design with plenty of space for content. On the other hand, if you’re creating an infographic to present data, you may want a template with graphics and visuals.

As a designer, you can choose from several free design templates available on the internet. However, you will have to ensure that the template has enough elements to represent the information you’re trying to convey.

6. Download and Share Your Infographic

Once you have created your infographic, you can easily download and share it with your audience. First of all, you will have to save the file on your computer. You can choose formats like JPEG or PNG. After this, you can share the file on your website and other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

No matter how you decide to share your infographic, make sure that you include a link back to your website so that you can drive more traffic to your site and increase the reach of your infographic. Now that your infographic is complete, it’s time to get it out into the world and promote it.

With these above-mentioned steps, you should be able to create an engaging and informative infographic in under 30 minutes and start getting your message out there.