The rising population in the United States continues at an alarming rate. The number of inhabitants is expected to increase from the 296 million counted in 2005, to 438 million by the year 2050. The growth of the population always causes changes in residential patterns, how services are delivered and how money flows through the economy. These changes require planning and infrastructure development to accommodate educational needs, work patterns and construction plans. Individuals who have training in essential fields will help to develop these growing communities of the future.

Increased Traffic

More people inevitably lead to greater traffic congestion. In the past, the needs of highly mobile society have not always been considered in community planning. This has often resulted in main thoroughfares that are highly congested during certain times of day. New construction of residential housing only increases the problem. More communities are investing their time and money in improved traffic planning, alternative transportation and construction of roads to accommodate the rising population. Online masters in library and information science are available to help individuals prepare for this important work.

Greater Pressure on Healthcare Services

With a growing population comes a need for more healthcare services for individuals at all stages of life. This fact can often mean increased pressure on physicians, clinics and hospitals that must balance cost factors with the goal of providing high-quality care to residents of local communities. Quality care must also be available to everyone, including those who may not be able to afford it. 43.1 million were living at or under the poverty level in 2015. The problem is balancing the need for healthcare and the cost of healthcare, while making sure it’s as available as it can be.

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Increased Need For Public Services Drives Increased Taxes

As the nation’s communities grow, they require a greater number of services, such as public utilities, schools, road construction, police and fire services, public buildings and commercial development. Many of these services require financial investment in land and structures to serve the community. Although the rising population also provides a larger tax base, maintaining these services often translates into increased taxes.

A Rising Population Requires Long Term Planning

Changing demographics require governmental agencies and city planners to keep a close eye on evolving uses of city services, infrastructure needs and business development. Maintaining thriving communities will require more individuals with advanced training to ensure that these vital systems function efficiently, to keep communities vital and to ensure local economic progress. If you have an interest in the ways cities and towns change over time with growing populations, you will be able to make an impact on how these communities can provide the most efficient services for their resident.