When you run a business, one of the most important jobs you will have is to market it. Unless you advertise, no one will know you exist, and making a profit will be a lot harder than it needs to be. There are dozens of ways to advertise your business such as using print or online magazines, social media, or posting flyers up around your town, but when you want to stand out, you need to do something different. Here are a few ideas that should help you get started.


By sponsoring a local event or sports team, for example, you will not only make people aware of your business, but you will be showing that you care for the community too. These things combined will help to boost your business and ensure that you find some great new customers.

Make Videos

Having a blog is important and can help to push your website further up the Google rankings, but having a video blog (vlog) is even better. Making videos is a fun and interactive way to let people know about what you do and how you do it, and they are easy to share and enjoy. Videos are memorable too, as people will remember images, music, and a good story, more than a written blog in most cases.

Device Wallpaper

You carry around your smartphone with you wherever you go, and your tablet is never far from your hands. Even your laptop is used on a regular basis. You do all of this around other people, and by creating computer wallpaper that advertises your business, they will be able to see your company name and logo, and perhaps even a brief description (either in text or image form) about what it is you do. Intrigue them enough, and they will search you out.

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Say Thank You

Sending out thank you cards or emails, although a physical card is much more exciting, to your customers if they spend a certain amount, or buy a particular product is fantastic advertising. It makes the customer feel appreciated, and they will definitely tell other people about the card they received from you. Word of mouth is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to advertise, and sending a thank you card or flowers, or any other kind of unexpected free gift will mean it is more likely to happen. Using online tools like My Creative Shop helps you design flyers and postcards from scratch without needing a big design team working around the clock. Creating the design is just step one, you also need to make sure you get the physical address of your customers in order to mail these over.

Apply For Awards

To make your business truly stand out, you can attempt to make it an award-winning one. Search online for awards that you can enter and, as long as the cost is not prohibitive, complete the applications. If you win, you will have a lot of new credit to use in your advertising. Even if you don’t win, you can still use the experience to your advantage.

Write A Book

Creating an eBook and then giving it away through your website or on social media is a great idea. The book doesn’t need to be long, but it should contain useful information as well as details about your business. This added benefit for those who sign up to your newsletter or comment on your Facebook posts is something that will help to get you noticed.

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