Are Slot Machines in Vegas Rigged?
Las Vegas casinos provide their players with multiple sources of entertainment and all of them are worth trying at least once. Slots are the most numerous and they have most of the fans, including everything from amateurs and tourists to savvy punters. These games represent the bread and butter of land-based casinos and the most important source of income for the local industry. More than once players who end up losing money spinning their reels doubt their fairness and wonder if slot machines are rigged.
Fair slot machines pay enough
Casinos are businesses and just like any other ventures are designed to maximize the profits. When it comes to slots, they rely on the house edge and the inherent return to player. Because slots pay back only a percentage of the money collected, in the long run the house is guaranteed to win. The more time people spend spinning the reels, the bigger the profits, because in the end, luck and bad luck even out. This means that casinos have every interest to keep players busy for as long as possible in front of the slots.
The quality of the slot machine which you can resides not only in the graphics and gameplay, but also the return to player. In fact, this is the most important quality for such games and the thing that most players seek. The best case scenario is to find a game that has a RTP of more than 98%. At online casinos, this is not that difficult, as there are plenty of such games, so punters have many worthy options. In Las Vegas casinos, the average return to player is lower, but it still well exceeds 90%.
With these numbers in mind, it is easy to realize the fact that casinos don’t have to worry about making a profit. Slots will pay for themselves in the long run and even the losses caused by progressive jackpots are actually factored in. Las Vegas casinos don’t have to rig the slots to make a profit, because fair ones are lucrative enough. All they need to do is to keep people playing because every $100 spent will translate into a few dollars won in the long run.
Reputation is essential for casinos
The only thing that can truly derail the plans of Las Vegas casinos is a decrease in the number of players. The negative effects of the pandemic have clearly highlighted the tremendous problems that are caused by such an occurrence. This is why casinos can’t afford to take any chances with things that could drive players away from their fine establishments. Any lingering doubts about the fairness of the games would represent a crushing blow to the reputation built so carefully and meticulously over the years.
Not only do Las Vegas casinos refrain from tampering with the machines, but they do everything they can to keep them fair. This includes the enlisting of independent auditors to monitor the fairness of the games.