When you choose to have someone in your life, it is a commitment. However, after a certain amount of time the need to do spontaneous and romantic gestures reduces, as you both feel confident in your relationship and perhaps don’t see the need to impress. But this can often mean you begin to drift from the people you love as, unintentionally, you’re investing more time and energy into other areas of your lives than with your significant other.

Luckily, there are many ways you can show your partner you care and reignite the passion back into your relationship. Here are 5 ways to do just that.

Trip away

Taking time away from your mundane routine and going on a trip away can be an exciting way to spend more time together and experience new things. Why not embrace spontaneity and take the train to a new city for a day trip? This can be a cheap alternative to a holiday and doesn’t require as much forward planning, making it a fun and stress-free experience.

Give them a gift

This may seem obvious, but a lot of people refrain from buying small gifts because they feel that their value defines their worth. Actually, the age-old saying ‘it’s the thought that counts’ really rings true. Getting someone a gift is just a gesture to let your partner know you were thinking about them. So, spend less time worrying about the price tag and more time thinking about how it will make your partner feel.

Make something

If money is tight, making something costs you nothing. Sometimes homemade gifts can be the most appreciated because they are personal. However, don’t just restrict yourself to a physical gift, you could write a poem, song or love letter – putting into words just how much you care.

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Help them out

Don’t undervalue the power of doing the dishes! Household jobs are typically the ones that fill you with dread, so why not offer your services and do some jobs to help your partner out – they will appreciate it more than you know.

Date nights

Date nights can be made as romantic as you want them to be. You could go all out with candles and a home-cooked meal, or it could be as simple as switching off your phones and having a takeaway. The point is to designate time just for the two of you – that is special enough.