With technology constantly advancing, and consumer product options increasing day by day, knowing what kind of monitor or display is best for your needs can be very difficult. We all want crystal-clear displays, crisp colors, good contrast, high resolution, and durable screens. But with the litany of monitor types, coupled with their technical names, and slick-talking salespeople, figuring out which display is best for you and understanding the pros and cons of each type can seem almost impossible.

Read on as we discuss the four most prominent types of tv displays on the market and explain the key benefits of each and every type. By the end, you should be able to decide on which display is best for you.


When plasma screens came about they took the market by storm. Plasma screens were the go-to choice for TV and home-theatre enthusiasts. This was because the technology behind them produced excellent picture quality. Plasma Screens were the first of the slim-style monitors, which were all the rage as CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors — like the ones your grandparents had — took up half your living room. Plasma screens produce incredibly deep blacks. This gives you an impeccable contrast ratio. Having deeper blacks makes other colors seem more vivid. Plasma screens also have very high refresh rates which reduce motion blur. And their lighting uniformity is probably unparalleled. Plasma screens get a bad rap because early models lost luminosity, but this has been corrected. But plasma screen manufacturing is more costly than its competitors and this has reduced the tech’s market share.

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Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors are some of the most prominent types of screens you’ll find and that won’t change anytime soon. LCDs are compact, thin, and light. They consume low power and produce little heat. LCD screens produce excellent picture quality as they have no geometric distortion, have an infinite theoretical resolution, and show no refresh rate flicker. You can also get very durable models that are used for military applications. A rugged military LCD monitor will come in a MIL-spec (meeting military specifications), meaning they are designed to survive the toughest deployable standards. To put it simply, don’t worry about bumping into your monitor and turning it into a paperweight. LCDs also produce very sharp images and you won’t have to worry about any ‘bleeding.’ LCDs also have incredibly thin frames, which is perfect if you like having multiple screens set up side-by-side for gaming or just a bigger viewing space.


Light Emitting Diode (LED) screens are all the rage these days. LED screens shouldn’t be confused with LED backlight LCD screens — those are LCD screens that use LED lights for their backlighting. LEDs are probably the most power-saving and environment-friendly of all the monitors. They use very little power and, in turn, produce very little heat. Like LCDs, they can have limitations on viewing angles, but with some tips on placement, you can mitigate it. You can also get curved models that help combat that issue greatly. LEDs have very high life spans. They can live 10-15 times longer than competing technologies. These bad boys just don’t burn out.

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Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode (QDLED or QLED) displays are the latest display technology on the market. They are the same as LED monitors but with one extra layer — the quantum dot layer. This layer allows them to produce a wider range of colors. Not all manufacturers, like Vizio and Hisense, label name their products QLED even though they use the technology. QLEDs also have higher brightness than competing technologies. QLED manufacturing techniques make them more resistant to moisture which means they will live longer than your normal LED or LCD screen. This is something worth considering in humid climates.

The display market is a vast ocean of options. These options aren’t limited to the underlying technologies. Most of your average Joes will not notice the subtle differences in picture quality unless the screens are placed side by side. But they will notice the different features offered in the monitor they are purchasing. This will include rugged durability, wireless connectivity features, input modules, resolution, etc. These factors will also greatly influence price, much more than the underlying technology. Marketing is also a major factor. Keep this in mind while shopping. Don’t just listen to the salesperson as they are trained to upsell. Find a monitor you like then check out reviews for it, look up prices online, and then make the best purchase for your needs.