Are Veneers Worth The Investment?
Veneers are utilized by millions of people worldwide, and are a long-term temporary fix to the physical look of someone’s mouth. They are not a permanent fixture like an implant or dentures, as they are a thin cover for existing teeth that attach over the front, and will require replacement within 10-15years. Veneers are usually made out of resin-composite materials or porcelain, and are most commonly used for the teeth that are visible when you smile (the first eight teeth).
Veneers are used to compensate for issues such as discoloration, small teeth, chips and breakages. They sound like a great solution to fixing a smile that you are not confident with, but it comes at a cost that you will eventually need to repeat. One tooth alone could cost over $1300, depending on your provider, and that may not include the service fees. The fantastic team at Kent Express are well educated on all things veneer, and are here to offer guidance and help you through the decision making process.
How does it work?
The most common type of veneers are made out of porcelain, and are considered to be the ‘traditional veneers’. There is a complex method involved within the application of these veneers, which can be painful. The pain is temporary, like getting a tooth extracted, and can be helped with painkillers, eating soft foods and avoiding hot food and liquids.
To apply traditional veneers, the application process may include grinding away part of the tooth, which will be irreversible. Because of this factor, it means that once you commit, you will need to be willing to do the replacements every 10-15years at a further cost. Depending on the damage of the tooth, the grinding may go down past the enamel, which needs to be done to allow the veneer to be placed securely. It may sound like torture, but like most dental procedures, your mouth will be anesthetized, and you won’t feel anything. It is the recovery that can be painful, but can be seen as a temporary hindrance for a long-term goal of regaining your smile and self-confidence.
Non-porcelain veneers, also known as ‘no-prep’ veneers can be applied in a faster, less-invasive manner. There may need to be slight alterations or preparations, but the application process is less intense. The layers of the teeth beneath the enamel will not be tarnished, and can often be applied with no need for a local-anesthetic. Although cheaper, the replacement time is almost halved with a 5-7year replacement period. The costs here can also vary drastically based on your provider, but is a more recurring cost as opposed to the traditional veneers.
Financial costs
Because veneers are classified as a ‘cosmetic procedure’, most insurance companies will not assist you, as the majority of the reasons for this procedure will be pre-existing conditions. Financially, you are better off to do the traditional veneers, as they may be an immediate larger-expense, but they last longer, with less replacements. This does however, heavily depend on the brand of veneers, your chosen practice, and where you are located.
It pays heavily to do some intense research on what your options are, as you may find that a traveling fee may counter the costs of an expensive area. When it comes to the greater scheme of things, traveling may be your best investment. As tempting as it may be to find someone else, a professional dentist is the most appropriate person to select to do your procedure; this is your smile we’re talking about after all.
So, are they worth it?
Although there are no actual reliable statistics, you will find that the majority of people who have traditional veneers would state that it is worth the money. The confidence, happiness and self-worth outweigh the financial aspects. It is hard to imagine someone saying that their life has been harder since their teeth have been corrected to a state that they are happy and comfortable with.
The costs will vary across the board, depending on damage-control, types, brands and providers. There may be payment plans available, so don’t be afraid to ask if there are ways that you can pay off the procedure, rather than in a lump-sum. This will definitely vary across the board, so you may need to make a few phone calls and inquiries.
At the end of the day, your own self-worth and happiness has no price-tag.